How To Create a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

Martin Karlsson
Kickstarter Magazine
3 min readJul 2, 2024

Got a great idea? Need some funding to make it a reality? Same here. Let’s see how far we can get through Kickstarter.

It’s easy to get carried away while browsing Kickstarter. One campaign after another has gathered thousands, sometimes millions, of dollars and exceeded their funding goals by several thousand percent. Yet, with a few more clicks, you can find many more campaigns with few or no backers — only having raised a fraction of what the creators hoped for.

So what separates the successful campaigns from the unsuccessful ones? Can an unknown and unfunded creator succeed on Kickstarter? Or does it require an established name, a campaign budget of tens of thousands of dollars, and a whole team of experienced marketers?

These are the questions we’ll try to answer in Kickstarter Magazine.

Trust no one!

As a small creator, you depend on working with the right information. The problem is that the internet has become an increasingly worthless source of knowledge. Reviews are fake, tests are fake, guides are fake. It’s all about paid links and ad traffic.

Social media and forums are filled with bots interacting with other bots. For those seeking information not covered by traditional media outlets, it’s virtually impossible to know what can be trusted and what is pure spam, at least without doing extensive research of the source. And for those who don’t want to play dirty, it’s become increasingly difficult to get noticed.

Getting sensible information about how to succeed with your Kickstarter campaign (if it’s even possible) is like finding a needle in a haystack. Most of what you find is produced by people who benefit from you acting one way or another. And when you do find a genuine tip, how can you distinguish it from all the unreliable ones?

Let’s make this journey together

With my experience and knowledge, I will experiment to see if I can build an audience and carry out a successful Kickstarter campaign. In the process, I will build campaign pages, websites for my company and the game. I will work with social media, organic and paid reach, and I will build a newsletter.

I will share what works and what doesn’t. I will use all the tricks I know of to try to benefit my Kickstarter campaign. And most importantly; I have no interest in promoting any particular companies or services. I’m not paid by anyone to write this. My only interest is to create as successful a Kickstarter campaign as possible and I hope you will join me on this journey.

Let’s go!

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» Seven Ways To Create A Strong Brand Name

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Martin Karlsson
Kickstarter Magazine

Writes about marketing, programming and design. Launching a Kickstarter for the political strategy game Rulor in 2024. Journalist, developer, art director.