🚢 Links We Like, 7/23: Signed, Sealed, and Shipped 🚢

Kickstarter Tips
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2016


At the beginning of my summer internship at Kickstarter, I decided to embark on a ship-ping journey. After a month of researching, compiling, and editing, I produced my very first blog post with tips to help creators ship rewards to their backers. But I quickly realized that one blog post wasn’t enough to summarize all of the great resources, articles, and tips that I found. So, consider this week’s #LinksWeLike an addendum to that blog post. 📦 Here are our favorite shipping links 📦:

Stonemaier Games provides an extensive look into shipping and fulfillment with their numerous lessons on the topic.

Shopify recommends several packaging options in their beginners guide to ecommerce shipping and fulfillment.

Byron Collins from Collins Epic Wargames shares his shipping insights and struggles.

Did we miss anything? What lesson about shipping do you wish you had learned sooner? Tell us in the comments!

— Jia from the Community Education team



Kickstarter Tips

Advice and tips on bringing your creative idea to life with @Kickstarter.