165 colored rectangles representing 165 categories and subcategories on Kickstarter, and a whole kaleidoscope of creativity.

The First 100,000 Funded Kickstarter Projects in 100 Numbers

Kickstarter Magazine
10 min readFeb 8, 2016


Last night at 11:29pm EST, an inspired and visually striking photography project called “Falklands/Malvinas: One War, all Wars” became the 100,000th project to be successfully funded with Kickstarter. Using a system that didn’t exist just seven years ago, photographer Adriana Groisman and 282 of her supporters pushed another creative idea one step closer to reality.

In the 6 years, 9 months, and 10 days since Kickstarter launched, much has changed and much has remained the same. It still takes tremendous courage to step out on a limb, and try to create something entirely new. But from where we stand, the state of creativity is more encouraging than ever. To celebrate this milestone we took a look at 100 numbers behind those first 100,000 successfully funded projects. It’s a list that reflects some of the best and brightest qualities of the Kickstarter community, and the creative spirit that animates it.

1. Number of successfully funded Kickstarter projects from our launch on April 28, 2009 to February 7, 2016: 100,000

2. Number of creative categories and subcategories that those projects represent — from Architecture to Zines: 165

3. Time it took to reach the first 100 successfully funded projects: 121 days

4. Time it took to reach the last 100 successfully funded projects: 3 days

5. Number of creators who launched those 100,000 projects: 86,101

6. Number of creators who have launched more than one successfully funded project on Kickstarter: 8,539

7. Highest number of successfully funded projects by a single creator: 94

8. Number of successfully funded projects launched by current Kickstarter employees: 40

9. Percentage of successfully funded creators who have also backed someone else’s Kickstarter project: 70.58%

10. Number of creators who have pledged more money to other Kickstarter projects than they raised for their own funded projects: 803

11. Number of countries represented by the backers of the project with the most international support: 169

12. Distance between a given project’s location and one of its backers, on average: 2,317.09 miles

13. Number of backers who pledged to those 100,000 projects: 9,088,422

14. Number of project updates that creators have shared with backers across all successfully funded projects: 1,037,723

15. Highest number of updates from a single project: 301

16. Number of successfully funded Music projects — the category with the largest share of projects: 22,133

17. Number of albums, compositions, or performances that have been nominated for a Grammy — from Rhythm & Blues to Latin Jazz: 15 (Four of which are in contention a week from today — good luck!)

18. Number of creators who have won a Grammy for their Kickstarter project so far: 4

19. Highest rank of a Kickstarter-funded album on the Billboard 200: 7

20. Approximate size of a fragment of DNA stretched out to its full length, in the art-science performance collaboration “Music of the Spheres,” which produced the first piece of music recorded onto DNA molecules: 6.22 x 10^-8 meters

21. Frequency of the pitch emitted by the world’s loneliest whale — the subject of a documentary film chronicling the search to find him: 52 Hz

22. Number of times 🐳 appears in Emoji Dick — the first emoji book acquired by the Library of Congress: 1,339

23. Number of live oysters that one project wants to restore to 100 acres of oyster reefs in New York Harbor by 2030: 1,000,000,000

24. Total length of rebar used to build a Living Sea Sculpture set to become a coral refuge in an underwater museum in the Caribbean: 69 meters

25. Estimated number of sculpture projects — from Ai Weiwei’s “Tree” installation at London’s Royal Academy of Arts, to an award-winning paleoartist’s full-body reconstruction of a dryptosaurus: 586

26. Percentage of those 586 sculptures that were created specifically for Burning Man: 12.8%

27. Number of empty white books that artist Wafaa Bilal will use in an installation to bring attention to the destruction of the University of Baghdad’s entire library after looters set it afire: 1,000

28. Number of members who belong to Baghdad’s FIKRA Hackerspace — a group inspired by the Global Entrepreneurship and Maker Space Initiative’s community pop-up project: 5,300

29. Number of backers who helped the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh fund seven makerspaces for kids: 585

30. Number of students who conducted experiments inside ping-pong-ball satellites lifted 100,000 feet above Earth to the edge of space: 3,200

31. Number of layers of material within Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 spacesuit, conserved by the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum: 21

32. Estimated age of eight meteorites sourced from the asteroid Vesta — the oldest specimens showcased by Mini Museum: 4,500,000,000 years

33. Potential speed of LightSail, a revolutionary spacecraft from The Planetary Society testing whether the pressure of sunlight can power solar sailing: 150,000 mph

34. Weight of the Light Phone, a credit-card-sized cell phone designed to be used as little as possible: 38.5 grams

35. Amount of time Nelvana of the Northern Lights, Canada’s first superheroine, was out of print before a project succeeded in resurrecting her: 67 years

36. Number of comic books, comics events, webcomics, anthologies, and graphic novels created — from a 25th anniversary compilation of Tom Tomorrow’s This Modern World to Veronica Berns’ theoretical solid state chemistry doctoral thesis in comic book form: 3,521

37. Approximate number of frames in Cheatin’ by Bill Plympton — the first animator to hand-draw every frame of an animated feature solo: 40,000

38. Number of marriages officiated at a pop-up wedding chapel on the Lower East Side of Manhattan: 136

39. Number of known marriages between a creator of a successful project and a backer: 1 (Know of others? Let us know!)

40. Number of songs that contain the word “Love” in multi-media artist Tahir Hemphill’s Hip-Hop Word Count — a searchable ethnographic database of hip-hop and rap lyrics from 1979 to the present day: 48,414

41. Number of people who backed Marina Abramovic’s project for a hug: 1,359

42. Number of projects that creatively explore issues of the heart: 1,334

43. Number of projects that creatively explore issues of the mind: 758

44. Number of neurons in the brain of the first-ever digital organism, OpenWorm, built to accelerate brain research and computational neuroscience: 302

45. Number of typefaces created — from Aerial Bold, made of giant letterforms found in aerial photos of the earth, to one based on Sigmund Freud’s handwriting: 71

46. Percentage of approved Tomatometer critics who have given the psychological horror film The Babadook a positive review on Rotten Tomatoes: 98%

47. Number of community gardens brought to life, from Bloomington to Garden City: 48

48. Number of publicly accessible fruit trees to be planted in the Endless Orchard, a sustainable, edible, living public artwork, and Urban Fruit Trail, located in an urban California food desert: 200

49. Area of threatened rainforest reserves outfitted with solar-powered listening devices that can detect the sound profiles of illegal logging and poaching: 4,874 square kilometers

50. Number of classrooms full of 3- to 9-year-olds that LeVar Burton, Reading Rainbow, and 105,857 Kickstarter backers are equipping with creative literacy tools: 10,000

51. Age of the Siberian actinobacteria photographed by Rachel Sussman for her project documenting “The Oldest Living Things in the World”: 400,000–600,000 years

52. Age of the competitors in “Gold Balls,” a gripping documentary about seniors battling it out at the annual Ultra Senior Tennis National Championships: 80–94 years young

53. Number of strangers connected by “Portals” — a global network of gold-painted shipping containers equipped with immersive audio and video technology — from Havana to Kabul: 10,000

54. Estimated number of undetonated landmines across Afghanistan that the wind-powered minesweeper Mine Kafon was designed to combat: 5–7 million

55. Number of Kickstarter projects welcomed into the MoMA’s collection of modern and contemporary art: 4 (Hint: Search for Mine Kafon, Makey Makey, Ototo, and BRCK!)

56. Weight of the “puffing gun,” a machine that explosively puffs cereal, and the centerpiece of “BOOM!,” the Museum of Food and Drink’s first-ever exhibit: 3,200 pounds

57. Height of “Got the Power: Minnesota,” a site-specific musical sculpture and soundscape by Bayeté Ross Smith composed of 80 vintage boomboxes: 15 feet

58. Number of people worldwide without access to electricity, whom Olafur Eliasson’s solar-powered Little Sun Charge is helping to bring clean energy to: 1,100,000,000

59. Number of people who have built DIY spectrometers inspired by Public Labs’ project to empower anyone to analyze contaminants in their environment: 7,417

60. Number of people who backed Kaki King’s mesmerizing music and light experience, “The Neck is the Bridge to the Body”: 910

61. Amount of footage shot to produce “Flex Is Kings,” a film documenting the riveting contemporary urban dance movement called “Flexing”: 275 hours

62. Number of Kickstarter funded film projects that have been nominated for an Oscar: 11

63. Number of films that have won an Oscar: 1

64. Number of successfully funded projects launched by someone named Oscar: 16

65. Number of trash trucks from the City of Austin’s sanitation department that danced a trash-truck ballet: 16

66. Number of viewers of the first-ever World Ballet Day Live, a 23-hour live-streamed celebration of dance featuring the San Francisco Ballet, National Ballet of Canada, Royal Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, and Australian Ballet: 307,393

67. Number of minutes of “pure performance adrenaline” in Larissa Velez-Jackson’s inspired experimental dance-theater production “Star Crap Method”: more than 480

68. Number of five-star reviews for Cards Against Humanity on Amazon: 28,986

69. Amount of time that What Happens When, the inventive pop-up restaurant helmed by Michelin-starred chef John Fraser, brought diners joy and sustenance: 9 months

70. Percentage of TIME Magazine’s “25 Best Inventions of the Year” from 2013 through 2015 that started as successful Kickstarter projects: 20%

71. Area of Times Square painted by artist Molly Dilworth for her “Cool Water, Hot Island” installation — one of Manhattan’s largest public art projects to date: 50,000 square feet

72. Number of people in the cast and crew of the participatory theater company We Players’ performance of “Hamlet on Alcatraz,” the first-ever artistic residency on Alcatraz Island: 50

73. Number of Shakespeare-inspired projects: 274

74. Number of Cthulhu-inspired projects: 170

75. Number of Shakespeare vs. Cthulhu projects: 1

76. Number of masks created that reimagine beasts from Jorge Luis Borges’ 1967 classic text The Book of Imaginary Beings: 197

77. Temperature of the kiln used to fuse the image of a voracious sea monster onto Calamityware — traditional Blue Willow-patterned porcelain dinner plates reimagined as calamities: 1,500 degrees

78. Time at sea spent by artists aboard an innovative cargo ship-based residency that sails across the Pacific from Vancouver to Shanghai: 23 days

79. Number of Canadian projects — from celebrated spoken word poet Shane Koyczan’s book “A Bruise On Light,” to “The Long Dark,” a first-person survival game set in the Northern Wilderness: 2,633

80. Number of Kickstarter-funded video games you can play right now on the online gaming platform Steam: 150

81. Total area of 18 real-world cities mapped in 8-bit to look like 1980s video games: 3,742 square miles

82. Number of RPGs created — from a cowboy-themed steampunk adventure, to out-of-control robots taking over a terraformed future Mars: 981

83. Estimated weight of a 15-foot-tall robot — with two people sitting inside — outfitted to participate in the world’s first giant robot duel: 12,350 pounds

84. Number of times “robot” replaces the “n-word” in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Robotic Edition, a satirical remix of Twain’s classic published to protest censored reprints of the original: 219

85. Number of words excluded from major English dictionaries that Wordnik wants to find and build a home for on the Internet: 1,000,000

86. Number of words visualized and catalogued by The Noun Project — a library of icons anyone can use and understand: 150,000

87. Number of endangered alphabets tracked down and preserved through hand-carved works of art: 26

88. Number of mysterious letters sent to perfect strangers by conceptual artists Lenka Clayton and Michael Crowe, who are attempting to hand-write personal letters to everyone in the world: 2,132

89. Estimated number of people around the world Lenka and Michael still need to write to: 7,400,345,312

90. Number of World Music projects funded — from a compilation of tracks inspired by endangered South American bird songs, to a compilation of music collected from cellphone memory cards in the Saharan desert: 761

91. Number of defunct payphones transformed into public art interventions across East Austin as part of the Pay Phone Revival Project: 15

92. Percentage of hives that beekeepers lose annually according to The Beez Kneez, a Twin Cities-based organization working to “Revive the Hive” with a community hub for beekeepers and bicycle-powered honey production: 30–40%

93. Number of lost lives counted in 2012 by the experimental criminal justice reporting site Homicide Watch DC, working to change the way crime is covered: 92

94. Number of lost poems by Chilean poet and Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda discovered and set to be published by Copper Canyon Press: 20

95. Number of years of Dr. Maya Angelou’s life to be honored in the first documentary about the poet, civil rights activist, and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient: 86

96. Estimated number of creative works and cultural artifacts preserved, restored, remastered, or reprinted — from the masterpieces of sound artist Joaquin Orellana, to the 1830s horsehair-upholstered sofa of President Lincoln: 128

97. Number of Kickstarter supported films you can watch on iTunes right now, from Spike Lee’s vampire story “Da Sweet Blood of Jesus,” to “Our Nixon,” the archival documentary of home movies by three White House aides: 277

98. Runtime of a film of white paint drying on a wall submitted to the British Board of Film Classification, meant to encourage a public dialogue about censorship: 607 minutes

99. Number of Freedom of Information Act requests submitted to more than 1,000 government agencies using the first-ever FOIA machine: 2,217

100. Percentage of creators who enjoyed creative freedom bringing new ideas to life with a community of supporters — collectively shifting who has access to cultural funding, and building a more inspired, diverse, and creative world in the process: 100%

*To borrow a caveat from multi-media artist and creator of Hip-Hop Word Count, Tahir Hemphill: All figures approximate because data.

Originally published at www.kickstarter.com.



Kickstarter Magazine

We are a Public Benefit Corporation. Our mission is to help bring creative projects to life.