Kid Killary
Kid Killary
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2014


Jim Morrison, Kanye West, Harry Styles…..Luka Sabbat?

All of the previously mentioned men are often cited as style icons but one seems to stand out from the others.

Luka Sabbat for ModernLife Magazine

Right now in fashion everyone seems more youth obsessed than ever with everyone from Vogue to low level fashion blogs raving its wonders. This trend has intensified over the past couple of years due to streetwears rise into the realm of high fashion. This trend has taken a once silent niche of low key cool city kids and elevated them into spotlight with an assist from social media.

Asspiza, Mike The Ruler, Luka Sabbat, Gianni Mora…names who would have never been known in a pre-social media world outside of the confines of their local playground are now internationally reaching figures. Social media and the internet have destroyed boundaries and subcultures but in return allowed for meteoric rises in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, the fashion industry finds itself and its eternal fixation with youth and youth culture in an era where these kids can now put themselves on. The youth of today don’t have to wait until their late 20's to find stardom amongst the who’s who of the industry. Today it is as easy as starting an instagram and taking pictures of mere everyday life.

Instagram has become everyone’s favorite lookbook.

The barrier to entry into the once gated fashion community has been torn down. The authenticity of youth culture mixed with fashion’s need for NEW NEW NEW creates an interesting situation for the future. Will the youth come to rule the fashion world?

With people like Luka Sabbat and Tavi Gevinson the future of fashion looks more interesting than ever.

