Early Identification of Autism

Sharvari Tamboli
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2019

A key factor to increase the child’s potential for a better future

We all know that nature is the greatest teacher in the world, it gives us life lessons. William Shakespeare in his play, ‘As You Like It’ says, Nature is always ready to teach those willing to tune in to her ways.

Many of the day-to-day things can be related to nature. When I see at tiny seedling being planted into the womb of the mother earth, it looks like an embryo in the mother’s womb. Indeed nurturing tree and child is lot similar and requires a lot of care. In growing tree or plants the important part is providing a healthy surrounding, watering the plant, and to see that it gets proper sunlight. Provide it with proper fertilizers periodically. After getting all the nourishment and care, it blooms green.

But all the trees and plants are different. Particular plants may not require much care contrariwise others may require the most, certain plants may also need support to grow. Likewise, a child too is like a tiny seed, each has its unique pattern of growth. These growth parameters in a child may vary in magnitude starting from the birth itself and continuous as the tiny tot heads from dependency to increasing autonomy.

When we do a close observation, we can see that a child’s development is marked by different milestones. In the early phase of a child’s development, specifically between ages 2 to 6, there are a set of age-specific skills that most children acquire such as physical, cognitive, socially-emotional and communication. These form the base of the Developmental Milestones as the enlargement of these skills in children within that age group is the quickest. These early years in a child’s life are very crucial and forms the foundation on which their future is going to be constructed. We call this time span as the “Golden Period.” Here the child is the most impressionable because 75% of brain development takes place in this period.

Everything on earth is constrained within time, likewise, we have observed that each of these milestones has a targeted age. Although the actual age when a child reaches that milestone can fluctuate a little, which is not a thing to worry. But if there is a delay or absence, it may signal a potential risk with the child’s development in that area. If there is a delay in the developmental skills of the child, and many times not in the typical order may be due to neurological conditions of the brain.

The brain which is the leader of our body controls how we learn, feel, act and communicate. It is connected to a special set of sensory wiring which works as a messenger to the brain. But sometimes these wring are connected in a way that effective communication is hampered. This condition is called Autism. In an autistic brain, the connection of sensory wiring makes the person good at tasks which others may find difficult such as arithmetic skills, fine eyesight for details or creative skills. On the other hand, the activities people are generally comfortable at may be hard for them like making eye contact, mixing with friends, communicating or expressing oneself. As the young brain is more adaptable to change, they can be helped in these areas by identifying it early. Early intervention can help to redirect the brain and the sensory wires that act as a messenger to the brain. It forms the key point in selecting appropriate interventions. Early identification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is crucial for the child to get proper interventions, like the constructive play, screening the child. With the assistance of the right tools, the child’s potential can be channelized and given the right direction, so they develop into a better self-sufficient being.

Kidaura screens children so that they get the right assistance which has a significant positive impact on the child. Early screening leads to early diagnosis and thereby early intervention which will help them to build a brighter tomorrow.

Activist Temple Grandin, who has autism, overcame barriers to become one of the nation’s leading experts in the treatment of livestock. She said,” Early intervention is the key to treating a child who may be autistic as it can change the course of a child’s life for the better.”

The early you know,

The early you can help them to sow,

The things they should acquire in order to grow!!!


Bhanushri Jaisimha, B. (2019). Bhanu Sri: Nature Is Man’s Best Teacher, Toistudent.timesofindia.indiatimes.com. [Accessed14 Apr. 2019].https://toistudent.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/i-say/bhanushri-nature-is-man-s-best-teacher/31573.html

Record, D. (2019). Developmental milestones record: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, Medlineplus.gov.[Accessed 14 Apr. 2019].https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002002.htm.

UAMS News. (2019). Early Intervention Key, Says Activist Temple Grandin — UAMS News. [Accessed 14 Apr. 2019]. https://news.uams.edu/2012/08/14/early-intervention-key-says-activist-temple-grandin/

