A Futurist Look at Cryptocurrencies

David Houle
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018

As Chief Brand Officer and member of the Board of Advisors of Kidcoin, I have been doing a deep dive into the reality of crypto currencies in 2018. Attending Crypto and Block Chain conferences in Dubai, London and Dallas, and having spoken at the latter two conferences has been part of this vertical learning curve. In addition, as have most people in the space, I have been reading voraciously about block chain and crypto, along with all the other subjects I consistently research such as AI/Machine Learning, the coming energy, transportation, medical transformations and ever accelerating technological connectivity.

Taking this broad look into the future gives me a different perspective that most currently in the crypto space do not have, as they are deep into programming and execution. As a futurist, I see multiple trends, economic forces, business dynamics and technological disruptions happening all at the same time in the next 10 years and how crypto currencies may well play a significant part in all sectors. It is these topics I will explore in this space.

A bit of background first. One of the reasons I became a futurist is that I have always done things that people said wouldn’t work. I left being a top sales exec at CBS to join the small but growing executive team that created and launched MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1, and CNN Headline News when cable was in only 10% of US households and there were less than 50 music videos in the world and no one thought a 24-hour cable network would work. Then I was a Managing Director of a 90s dotcom that created on-line courses, again something people said wouldn’t work.

The Cryptocurrency space feels like the early days of cable and the early days of the Internet. Successes and failures are ahead. Stay tuned for more in this space.

David Houle

