Be Kind To Your Mind -Podcasts To Encourage Meaningful Conversations On Mental Health

Laura Andrews
Kids Listen
Published in
8 min readOct 8, 2021
Source: World Federation for Mental Health

Sunday 10th October, 2021 marks World Mental Health Awareness Day. Good mental health for all is a must and sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of people all over the world,unfortuantely widening the gap for those already facing considerable challenges .There is more reason this year for us than ever to raise awareness , start meaningful conversations about our wellbeing in general, how we need to look after it and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.

The New Economics Foundation (NEF) : 5 ways to wellbeing

“What do you do when you’re feeling angry or sad, or when you’re facing something new and scary? Understanding the feelings and learning to cope with big feelings is a big part of children’s mental health. It’s important for children to learn that all people feel all the feelings- they’re normal and OK to feel.” Little Kids, Big Hearts Podcast

The New Economics Foundation have researched and developed five themes which are all important influencers of both wellbeing in a positive way. In line with these outlined actions/behaviours; what better way to mark this important day, than by exploring some new resources and indulging in some self care, in the form of listening to one of our featured podcasts as an opportunity to :

✅ Learn something new.

✅ Connect with others who are feeling the same the podcasting community.

✅ Actively practice some new techniques and tools to help us feel calm and centered.

✅ Notice your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

In this article, you’ll find a selection of seven Kids Listen member podcasts and an insight into the recommended episodes as chosen by the podcast hosts themselves! Happy listening!

🎧 Like You

Like You is a mindfulness podcast for kids that prioritises social -emotional learning and mental wellness by creating a calm and engaging listening experience where kids can learn about themselves, their feelings and the world around them.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: Feeling are Visitors

On this episode , we imagine our feelings are visitors stopping by to say hello. We can get to know our feelings and decide which we’d like to invite to stay and which we’d rather send on their way.

🌞Best Day Yet Podcast

Best Day Yet teaches mindfulness skills in a way that is fun, super positive, and engaging for kids. Choose from imaginative animal adventures coupled with affirmations or mantras based on what we learn from each animal or shorter, power episodes that teach breathwork and empowerment tools which can be handy for that tricky moment.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: Affirmations for a Calm & Confident School Day

Kids worried about the first day of school? We’ve got your back! Here’s a back to school episode (which can be enjoyed before any day of school) filled with powerful affirmation to ensure your kiddo walks in that first day feeling calm and confident. This episode includes a short calming breath practice and the following affirmation practice.

🌎 Jack To The Future

A podcast by a child for children, host Jack (age 8) talks about a range of issues from the future of science, technology and inventions, to global issues affecting our planet. His focus is on what’s changing in the world, what the future could be like and how we can help. Not a podcast that is solely dedicated to wellbeing per se, but Jack To The Future talks about a range of topics, feeding into the ‘learn’ aspect of improving wellbeing and engages the listener with questions that are intended for reflection to “tune in” with their thoughts, feelings and opinions in a way that creates space for the listener to stop and take notice.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: The Future of Mental Health

Get your zen on, with Jack To The Future…Jack chats to a mental health charity who talk about the impact of COVID-19 on everybody’s mental health; offer some practical tips to help with anxiety; debate the pros and cons of social media for mental health and share their ideas for what the future of mental health may look like.🔮 He also speaks to a children’s mindfulness🧘‍♂️ mentor -they exchange ideas about techniques for children (and adults) to relax, unwind and be in tune to their feelings and why that’s so important. She talks about her favourite exercise- the shark breath🦈 and takes us through a guided meditation.

❤️Little Kids, Big Hearts

Little Kids, Big Hearts is a podcast that can help parents and educators introduce big ideas in social and emotional learning to children. The podcast explores what it means to have a big heart and how to grow one with episodes focused on identity, friendship, and standing up for what’s good.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: What Can You Do With Big Feelings?

On this episode, four big hearted kids discuss big feelings, where they come form, and what to do with them. Here are a few questions to discuss after listening:

◘ What do you do when you have a big feeling that isn’t going away?

◘ How do you help yourself feel better when you can’t change the situation?

◘ We’ve all been through a lot in the last year! How has the COVID-19 pandemic made YOU feel? What has been the hardest part for you?

◘Now the world is starting to get back to normal. Do you have any questions about what’s happening? How is the transition making you feel?

🏡 The Imagine Neighborhood

Has your child ever been so angry that they wanted to smoosh something? Have they ever been scared of the babysitter? Have they ever had a hard time putting the phone away? In The Imagine Neighborhood, we use stories, music, and activities to help kids and grown-ups talk about big feelings and solve problems together. Each episode tells a story that’s amazing, fantastical, and maybe a little bananas, while it tackles the big feelings that come with growing up.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: Blurghrsday 2: The Blurghsening…

Have you ever had to just take a break? Ever felt super overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do? Well we know all about that here in The Imagine Neighborhood because it Blurghsdsy AGAIN! On any given Blurghsday, we get a new rule that changes everybody’s plans for the whole day — usually we can just “Blame it on Blurghsday.” But when too many Blurghsdays happen in a row, Scotty and Doctor Apocalypso start to feel stressed. They need to “get small to deal with it all,” which means taking a break so they’re ready to tackle the next challenge. But when a tidal wave of deli meats threatens the Neighborhood, they realize it’s time to “get large and take charge,” which means to step up and be a helper. We can feel stress when there’s too much to handle, and that can feel different to different people. You might feel it in your body, or in your thoughts and feelings, or in all three. It can make you feel crummy, and it can make it hard to focus your attention or remember to be kind. Sometimes your neighborhood may need you to “get large and take charge.” But if you’re feeling stressed, it’s also important to “get small to deal with it all.” Everybody has their own ways of “getting small” and taking a break from stressful things. You could try spending some quiet time in a private place, or reading a book, or even making some music, just like Doctor Apocalypso. On this world Mental Health Day, take a minute to decide how you like to handle your crummy feelings when you’re a little overwhelmed.

🏡 Stoopkid Stories

Stoopkid Stories is a compilation of fun, and exciting stories. You follow seven young Black characters every episode, as they face a new adventure and will have to overcome different obstacles dealing with their friends, family, school and community. Each story has a lesson and will hopefully spark conversations in households, schools and playgrounds all over the world.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: My Stomach is in KNOTS!

School is back in session and that means quizzes, test, book reports and projects oh my! Have you ever sat down to take a test and your palms started to sweat? Has your heart ever started to race before you had to speak in front of your class? Have you ever simply just felt nervous or shaky? In this episode we hear how Princess Tia deals with something called anxiety. It’s when you get really nervous, uneasy, or worried. Her good friend Karr steps in and helps her calm down. Take a listen to hear what practices he teaches her and maybe the next time you get nervous you can try it out too!

👥 That’s Totally Normal!

As soon as we’re born our bodies are constantly growing, changing, breaking and at times, confusing us. And the biggest changes, growths and confusions seem to come when we’re young, vulnerable and easily embarrassed. Yes, we’re talking about puberty. And yes, it sometimes can be hard to talk about. But, it doesn’t need to be. Put on some headphones and lean in as we break down the biology, chemistry and health topics of growing, changing and going up.

⭐️Podcaster’s pick: Mental Health

Many young people may find mental health issues embarrassing, but why is that? The brain is as much a part of someone’s body as the skin or the bones, and it’s not usually embarrassing to talk about a cut or a fracture, right? However, society hasn’t always made a safe space for us to talk about mental health issues, but let’s try and change that! On this episode we’ll be talking about the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of mental health, and will go over some advice that you can use in your everyday life!



Laura Andrews
Kids Listen

Social media manager, editor, admin to Jack To The Future podcast host.