Kids Listen Sweeps: Happy Poetry Month!

Co-written with Darren Short from Kids’ Poetry Club

Phoebe Owens Crozier
Kids Listen
3 min readApr 15, 2022


Go right to the sweeps list here:

I was delighted to open my messages recently to see a note from Darren Short (aka Little Dazzy Donuts!), who pours love and life into every 15-minute episode of Kids’ Poetry Club along with illustrator Dot Cherch. I’m not even sure if “illustration” is a fine enough word to describe the adorable and lively images crafted for their site and youtube videos. My cohost (and offspring) and I adore them, and we wish we could climb right into the characters’ worlds and frolic with them!

A hedgehog & chicken frolic under the moon by Dot Cherch for Kids Poetry Club.

But, I digress… The message Darren sent said:

“POETRY MONTH SWEEPS! April is Poetry Month (which is like a month of birthdays here at the Kids’ Poetry Club podcast!) To help celebrate and encourage kids to dive into the joys of poetry, let’s put together a Sweeps playlist of Kids Listen podcast episodes that feature and celebrate poetry!”

Say no more, fam! I am all in, and I think we can all enjoy poetry this month or any time with this marvelous list. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

Buttons & Figs bonus: they also make silly, super fun videos!

The discovery of The Fields of Pahnamahna, along with the poem telling the tale of the discovery of The Fields of Pahnamahna, is making the rounds around the round world and is being read by unsuspecting characters to stadiums full of kids.

Be sure to check back soon, as we’ll be adding new episodes throughout April!

And, if you’re looking for more ways to teach and share about the wonders and benefits of poetry, check out this wonderful list from



Phoebe Owens Crozier
Kids Listen

👩‍👦 🐶 ⚡️✨ 🔗 mother of a dog |creative sorceress light | connected all-ways | (bio haiku by K-F-P 🙏 ) 🔗: