Story Time Podcast: A “Food for Thought” Experiment

Angela Marie Ferrari
Kids Listen
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2018

What’s the worst part about road trips? Boredom. “Oh look kids, another overpass!”

What’s the best part about road trips? Well, it’s actually a three-way tie between- podcasts, snacks, and quirky thought experiments…

Want to DEVOUR road trip boredom? Why not listen to Story Time and amuse yourself with FOOD analogies? After all, “variety is the spice of life!” (Actually, I’m kind of bored with that phrase… I think we can do better…)

Here are some steps to make your next family road trip super spicy!!!

Step 1.) Subscribe to Bedtime Fm’s Story Time!

Story Time serves up a medley of delectable stories. Hosted by Rob Griffiths and featuring authors and narrators from around the world, Story Time offers listeners way to sample stories from all around the globe.

And like good food, stories are nourishing. They can bring you comfort, or excitement, or even allow you to experience different cultures. Which leads me to step 2…

Step 2.) Choose from the following menu, & I will tell you which Episode of Story Time to listen to next!

Answers Below

If you chose…

1.) Pickled Watermelon -You will love There’s a Crocodile in our Pickle Jar because it’s yummy fun and features an unexpected ingredient in a pickle jar of course!

2.) Hot Dog Mac & Cheese - Listen to Robin Hood and the Rather Rude Martian. A comfort-food-classic story with a ZANY character thrown in the mix!

3.) Butternut Squash Lasagna - Snuggle up with Alec and the Stream of Words and Ideas. It’s a deliciously filling story and with a healthy-stealthy serving of learning.

4.) Peanut Butter S’mores - You are gonna be smitten with Bill Bowerbird and the Unbearable Back Ache because it’s a nutty story with a very sweet ending.

5.) Guacamole Grilled Cheese - Get toasty with A Boy and His Toys and have a delightful daydream.

6.) Strawberry Mango Popsicles -Listen to Flamingo Pink, Flamingo Blue for a tangy, fruity, saccharine treat. It’s like consuming a RAINBOW!

Or… raise your hand if you are like me and you love ALL the foods and can’t decide!!! Well, let’s take out our spatulas and give this foodie thought experiment a flip…

Step 3.) Create your own Story Time flavor profiles!

Choose any episode of Story Time and give it a listen. Think about how that story makes you feel. Then think of a delicious food that makes you feel the same way. Bellissimo! Now you have a road-trip recipe for success!

The “Secret Sauce” for an awesome road trip

A person, (totally not me though), who writes an article that compares a children’s podcast to quasi-hipster foods might say something like:

“Variety is the “Sriracha” of life, it can be applied to ANYTHING and make it exciting…”

Well, I would lunch-counter that Story Time is the “Sriracha” of kid’s podcasts. It can make any bland car ride exciting! Have a spicy road trip, everybody!!!



Angela Marie Ferrari
Kids Listen

Angela Ferrari is an artist, and children’s book author/ illustrator based in Portland Maine. She is the host of the Story Spectacular podcast.