Total Eclipse of the Ears

Andrew Barkan
Kids Listen
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2017

Turn around. Every now and then we need a podcast.

August 21, 2017 is no exception. Discover how a diverse set of podcasts can help your family prepare, participate, and get psyched for the astrological event of a lifetime — the Great American Eclipse.


Listen to these totally (see what I did there?) fascinating ways for kids to think about total solar eclipses:

  • Brains On!
  • Ear Snacks
  • Wow in the World
  • Finn Caspian

We are also big fans of grown-up podcasts Planetary Radio, the Satellite Sisters, and PRI’s The World.

If you’re still hungry for information the traditional way (through your eyeballs), check out some amazing tools and resources that were not available for last total solar eclipse across the continental United States in 1918:

What You’ll See From Your Zip Code by

Everything You Need to Know by Brains On!

Eclipse Activity Guide by Wow in the World

Make a DIY Pinhole Projector by Time and Date

When the Sun Goes Dark by science educator Andrew Fraknoi (wait, Neil DeGrass Tyson isn’t the only one?) is a great read for kids

How to Photography a Solar Eclipse by B&H Photography

Eclipse Soundscapes App


It may be tricky to take selfies with the eclipse, but it’s easy to record audio! Ear Snacks and Wow in the World are seeking families to join in their audio timpe capsule projects gathering sounds across the country as people react to this extraordinary event. Email or visit to find out how! Also, PRI’s The World wants to hear your eclipse plans — call 877–406–6303 or send a voice memo to


Who will be leapin’ and hoppin’ on a moonshadow? Everybody! Check out some cool ways people plan to celebrate across the Path of Totality and beyond:

Atlas Obscura Eclipse Festival in the desert of Eastern Oregon

WKU Stadium in Bowling Green KY will host a free viewing party for thousdands of elementary school students

Planetary Society’s Mat Kaplan will be celebrating at the University of Southern Illinois Carbondale

Wow in the World’s Mindy Thomas will be hosting a viewing at the Smithsonian Natinoal Air & Space Museum in Washington DC

And no party would be complete without a Spotify Eclipse Playlist. As this incredible video from an airplane portends, this syzygy is going to be legendary:



Andrew Barkan
Kids Listen

Blind composer & dad re-imagining children’s media. Co-creator of Andrew & Polly, Ear Snacks: a musical podcast for kids about the world, and Kids Listen.