Welcome, New Kids Listen Member Shows!

Phoebe Owens Crozier
Kids Listen
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2021
Bright pink BG, Kids Listen banner logo, bullhorn clipart, “introducing new shows,” and image tiles for new shows list below.
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As our organization continues to grow and advocate for high-quality content for kids and their families, we are thrilled to be adding new member shows that exemplify great education and entertainment.

Here’s a quick introduction to some of our newest Kids Listen member shows that you should get to know:

Dorktales Storytime Podcast

The Dorktales Storytime Podcast, hosted by Jonathan Cormur, is an entertaining and educational series featuring slightly wacky and very geeky retellings of classic fairy tales and untold stories about the hidden heroes of history — the STEAMers and DREAMers who made history in ways you’d never imagine. New episodes are released every two weeks and are available wherever you listen to podcasts and on the Kids Listen podcast app.

The podcast is produced by an independent team of creators — with backgrounds and experience in theatre, playwriting, and audio production — who believe in the power of storytelling. Their mission is to bring families together to laugh, learn, and delight in a tale well told and to provide educators with new resources for kindling imaginations and cultivating curious minds.

Explore Released Fractured Fairytales: https://bit.ly/dorktales-fairytales

Explore Released Hidden Heroes of History: https://bit.ly/dorktales-heroes-history

Sign up for Mailing List for bonus Materials: https://bit.ly/dorktales-signup

Follow the Podcast on Instagram: @jonincharacter

All Things Madison Podcast

From the show’s creators:

“Hello All, we welcome you to check out our show “All Things Madison” featuring the very spunky, and comical 8-year-old Madison Lauren as she sets out to combine the worlds of entertainment and education for something we like to affectionately call ‘edu-tainment’! Madison goes behind the scenes of family-oriented places kids love to visit like Children’s Museums, Zoo’s, Aquariums’, ballparks, stadiums, concerts, and more. She also interviews professional television producers and filmmakers, actors, bestselling authors, rocket scientists, race car drivers, astronauts, and more! Not to mention she brings the heat with fresh raps, funny skits, and other segments designed to make you laugh and think at the same time! You can find us on any of your preferred platforms at All Things Madison Podcast, or:

Apple Podcasts|Spotify| YouTube.

And you can check out our website at www.ShopMadisonLauren.com.

Fairies and Dragons, Ponies and Knights!

Fairies and Dragons, Ponies and Knights podcast art with free coloring pages artwork examples from their site: http://dirtroadtheater.com/fadpak/
Download beautiful, free coloring pages like these from EPISODE 1 — The Egg / Artwork by Colin Bright and EPISODE 2 — Team Up / Artwork by Cathy Stevens Pratt.

Fairies and Dragons, Ponies and Knights is an episodic story for humans of all ages! Produced by Dirt Road Theater in Northfield, VT, FADPAK was created by Gracelyn and Oliver Spillane (ages 7 and 4) and their dad, Dominic Spillane. It is edited and performed by their mom, Maren Langdon Spillane, and features original music by Nathan Leigh. Each episode is broadcast live to a virtual audience on Zoom and features a special guest artist whose illustration will be created during the performance. The podcast version of each episode will be released one week after the live performance.

FADPAK follows Beatrice, a mother dragon, on her quest to confront the Fairies and Ponies, who, despite their reputation for being cute and sparkly, she feels certain to have stolen her egg. But she can’t do it alone, and so she seeks the help of a knight from the great city of Durga to be her guide. She leaves her mountain in the care of her five young dragons, who, not wanting to miss out on their mother’s adventure, have plans of their own…


Website link — dirtroadtheater.com/fadpak

Podcast link — https://www.buzzsprout.com/1415767

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/fairiesdragonsponiesknights

Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/fad_pak/

Twitter — https://twitter.com/FAD_PAK

Cuentos Increíbles

¿Alguna vez has soñado con viajar a la Antártida trepado en un dragón, jugar con duendes de extraños nombres, o recibir el regalo de un hada? Cuentos Increíbles es un podcast para niñas y niños de todas las edades, en cada episodio descubrirás una historia nueva donde todo es posible.

Have you ever dreamed of traveling to Antarctica on a dragon, playing with goblins with strange names, or receiving a gift from a fairy? Cuentos Increíbles is a podcast for girls and boys of all ages, in each episode, you will discover a new story where anything is possible.

Catch all the new episodes, and find the best fit for your family!

We also have a great playlist in the Kids Listen App for new episodes from all of our shows!

Kids Listen is helping shape the future of kids podcasts. Would you like to be a part of it?

Do you have a podcast for kids, or are you thinking of starting a podcast for kids? Here’s how to join: https://www.kidslisten.org/join

If you are interested in our mailing list, please click here (and scroll to the bottom.)



Phoebe Owens Crozier
Kids Listen

👩‍👦 🐶 ⚡️✨ 🔗 mother of a dog |creative sorceress light | connected all-ways | (bio haiku by K-F-P 🙏 ) 🔗: superphoebe.com