Google will track your movement, like it or not

Parv K. Jessy
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2018

So you have switched off Google location history on your kids phone to maintain their privacy. But, it seems like Google is still tracking you and your kids every movement. This is being done while you still use some of Google other services such as Search and Weather.

A report from Associated Press showed that Google Maps, Weather ,and Search is still tracking your location for purposes such as advertisement. On Google’s website it is stated that “You can turn off Google Location History at any time. With Location History off, the places you go are no longer stored.” However, an investigation by AP shows that this is untrue.

Watch the video below to see how Google is violating your privacy:

To prevent Google from storing all your location history you need to go through another setting called the“Web & App Activity”.

This is how you can prevent Google from tracking your every location :

On Android Device :

Step 1 : Click Settings & Click on Google

Step 2 : Click Google Account

Step 3 : Click Data Personalisation & Click Web & App Activity

Step 4 : Hover Web & Activity Off

Turn off Google location history:

  • Click Data & personalisation as in step 3
  • Tap on location history and switch the setting off for each phone or device connected to your Google account

On Apple Device:

  1. Login to your Google account
  2. Click on your profile picture
  3. Click on Personal info & privacy
  4. Click on my activity
  5. Click on activity controls
  6. Switch off web & app activity

While you are here don’t forget to read on how you can keep your kids location setting private on Facebook

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Parv K. Jessy

Parenting in the digital world, Founder of Kids N Clicks, tea lover, soon to be mama, #socialmedia #parentingnoteasy