Secret Calculator App to hide photos and videos

Parv K. Jessy
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2018

The Secret Calculator App looks like an innocent calculator app on your child’s Iphone or Android device. Actually, this app is used to hide files, photos and videos. The Secret Calculator App became a popular app in 2016. Now there are many versions of this app. This app is popular because it helps anyone to hide images, sexting photos, and files in a folder that can never be found.

Read more about this app here :

What is the Secret Photo Calculator App ?

  • This app acts like a photo vault to store all password protected files, and can only be viewed inside the app.
  • As a parent who is unaware of this app you will never expect a simple calculator looking app is used to hide files. If you want to access this you will need the password to open the photos from your child.
  • You will not be able to view photos or videos in the default Iphone or Android Gallery.
  • It is one of the most effective apps to hide photos and videos.

Read more about this app here :

How does the Secret Photo Calculator app hide photos on an Iphone or Android device?

  • Open the Calculator+ app
  • Once inside, it looks like a normal calculator. You can do subtraction, division and other mathematical functions with the app.
  • To access the hidden files you will need enter the numeric codes and it ends with a percentage (%) sign — something your child might set up when they first install the app
  • Your child might also use a fingerprint scan to unlock the files
  • Once you entered the right password you can then view all the hidden files
  • Calculator+ app can display numerous media types (such as .jpg, .gif, .bmp and .png files), videos (.mp4, .avi, .mkv, .wmv, .flv)
  • To transfer the files from your gallery to the app you just need to open the Calculator App and a simple drag and drop feature will allow you to do this.
  • If your child upgrades to the premium feature they can store the photos in a cloud and get unlimited storage.
  • Once your child transfer the photos from Iphone Camera Roll to the Calculator app, the photo will disappear from the Camera Roll.

A short video showing how the Secret Calculator App works

Other apps to hide photos

  • Calculator+ is not the only app available to hide images. There are many apps in Playstore or the Apple app store.
  • Some of the popular one are KeepSafe, Calculator vault, Private Photos Video vault and many more
  • To know if your child are having one of this apps you can login in to their app store and type in the word ‘Calculator’, ‘Secret’, or ‘Photo Hider’.
  • If it shows ‘Open’ means your child has one of this apps. But if it prompts ‘Install’ it means that they do not have the app

How to avoid children downloading the Secret Calculator App

Snooping through your child’s phone might not be the best way to establish a trusting relationship with them. Talk to your child regularly about the dangers of storing or taking inappropriate images. Let them know that nothing is 100% secure online. Any photos can get leaked or hacked and this can lead to cyberbullying. Let them know that they need to be careful about whom they send their photos too as it can easily be forwarded to others. This can also have an effect on their educational and job opportunities in the future.

Posting photos is not the only way to have a negative impression online. Words can be just as bad. Any sexting messages that goes viral can have a damaging impact on their future.

What to do if your child has downloaded the Secret Calculator App

1 Prepare yourself for a tough conversation :

If you found one of this type of Apps on their phone, do not panic!

You might feel angry or shocked with some of the content found on the app but panicking will not help resolve the situation . As much as you feel like punishing them, you have to do the more difficult thing which is having a tough conversation.

Talk to them calmly and ask them what made them engage in such a conversation or lead them to share inappropriate photos.

  • Say ‘This is not an easy conversation for both of us, but we need to talk about this. Can you tell me why you took this photos? What were you hoping to get from it?

2 Do not shame them:

Despite what your child have done, judging them might effect their self-esteem. They might also not trust you in the future.

Children are growing up in an increasingly difficult world. The temptations of sexting and sharing nude pictures are difficult to resist. They are constantly bombarded with ads that can promote such a behaviour.

Use this opportunity to connect with them and let them know that this behaviour is wrong. Instead of telling them how foolish they have been, ask them what caused them to do this.

Inform them about images that are ok to share and those that are not. Let them know that storing inappropriate images of themselves or others might have great consequences if it ever gets leaked. This is an example of a teen whose photo was leaked by her boyfriend that led to her misery.

If you are concerned about an image they have shared online then it will be good to remove it from any social media platform or sites it has been shared on. Few ways of doing this :

  1. If it has been shared on social media sites, then ask your child to login to the account and remove it
  2. Informing your child’s school might help prevent the situation from spiralling out of control
  3. Report the content to the social media site. It might take them a while to respond

The following are other apps you should be aware of on your child’s phone :

Kik : a free texting app that has no character or texting limit.

Selfie Apps : List of selfie apps that completely alter the way your child look

Instagram : 3 ways to keep children safe on Instagram

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Parv K. Jessy

Parenting in the digital world, Founder of Kids N Clicks, tea lover, soon to be mama, #socialmedia #parentingnoteasy