Kids Around The Globe Are Ready To Take On The World

KidZania Journal
KidZania Journal
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2012

CHICAGO, United States. PRNewswire. September 13, 2012. (English). -A study by The Marketing Store Worldwide shows that the current generation of kids has the tools and values to make the world a better place.If you want a good indicator about the future of our world, look to children. A new global study of kids conducted by brand activation agency The Marketing Store Worldwide (TMS) did just that, and it reveals that today’s “Global Kids” possess the skills and shared values to make a positive impact.

“The New Definition of Childhood” Global Kids Study ( researched over 4,000 children aged 6–12 years in 12 countries (U.S., Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, China, Australia). The online study captures what it’s like to be growing up today through kids’ own eyes and the eyes of their moms.

“For all we hear about the worry adults place on children being overindulged, without healthy boundaries, and obsessed with money and celebrity, our study shows that Global Kids seem to be a lot more prepared to take on the world than we give them credit,” says Simon Marshall, executive vice president and managing director of The Marketing Store North America. “In fact, judging from these kids’ perspectives, they’re a pretty savvy group.”

Global Kids are busy and focused.

TMS’s study shows that Global Kids are highly engaged, active, and value learning. When shown a list of more than 30 activities — ranging from reading to camping to sports to crafts — Global Kids on average participated in 25 activities. And in a world assumed to be obsessed with money and celebrity, Global Kids placed “being smart” and “getting a good education” near the top of socially desirable attributes — and notably, in the US, above fame and fortune.

Global Kids are highly connected.

Not surprisingly, Global Kids are embracing technology at high rates. The vast majority of Global Kids frequently use electronic entertainment or communications devices including digital cameras (93%), video game consoles (84%), digital music players (78%), and cell phones (77%). And they are engaging in a wide range of activities from playing games (92%) to doing schoolwork (76%).

Global Kids know more and care more about the world.

According to their moms, most Global Kids (69%) know “a lot” about what’s happening in the world. And this worldview is reflected in their wishes for the future. When Global Kids were asked what they’d do if they had the power to change three things in the world, fewer kids focused on their narrower, more immediate experience like improving school lunches. Kids largely wished to change things having to do with big issues like the environment, economy and social civility.

The gender gap is closing for Global Kids.

A closer look at Global Kids’ activities and values shows that traditional gender stereotypes are not holding up. When it comes to electronics, both boys and girls on average own the same number and types of devices and use them similarly. And parents rarely monitor or restrict online or mobile phone activities differently based on gender. When it comes to participating in sports, both boys and girls named the same sports as their top-three: swimming, football/soccer, and cycling. Boys are increasingly participating in many traditionally female leisure activities such as cooking, gardening and shopping. And perhaps in the most telling figure, when it comes to pocket money and allowances, girls have nearly closed the “wage” gap.

About The Marketing Store Worldwide

As one of the largest brand activation agencies in the world, The Marketing Store Worldwide delivers tangible interactions that engage people, influence purchase and build brands. Its approach, “Inspiration: Applied” — delivers inspirations that compel people to act within flawlessly executed programs that drive consumer behavior. Areas of expertise include: CRM, loyalty programs, digital, direct, and consumer promotions. We specialize in creating and sustaining high-value customer relationships for clients such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, L’Oreal, and Nissan. The Marketing Store Worldwide has offices across the globe in 12 countries and is part of the HAVI Group, a privately held company headquartered just outside Chicago.

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