KidZania Cuicuilco, Dubai, Monterrey and Santiago Get IZO:K Certificates

KidZania Journal
KidZania Journal
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2013

MEXICO CITY, Mexico. KidZania Journal. October 3, 2013. (English). –Today, KidZania metropolises of Cuicuilco, Dubai, Monterrey and Santiago obtained the first IZO:K experience certifications from the Institute for Ztandards Observance (I.Z.O.). The I.Z.O. was created to establish methodologies to allow KidZania accomplish a standardized culture, ensure proper maintenance of all facilities, improve visitor’s satisfaction and achieve the best perceived value from customers.

To obtain an IZO:K certification a KidZania metropolis undergoes an assessment from the KidZania Central Government where good practices, areas of improvement, non-critical and critica findings are detected. Once the metropolis receives the assessment’s result, they must determine the root causes of critical and non-critical findings and establish corrective actions, upon validation from the Central Government. Once the facility resolves 100% of the critical findings and at least 50% of the non-critical findings within the timeframe established by the Central Government, then the facility receives the IZO:K certification.

[caption id=”attachment_2948" align=”aligncenter” width=”410"]

Mr. Xavier López gives the IZO:K certification to Mr. Fernando Galindo, Mayor of KidZania Cuicuilco

Mr. Xavier López gives the IZO:K certification to Mr. Fernando Galindo, Mayor of KidZania Cuicuilco[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_2949" align=”aligncenter” width=”442"]

From left to right: Gilberto Güido, Andrés Fabre, Fernando Galindo, Xavier López, Hernán Barbieri and Erick Galicia

From left to right: Gilberto Güido, Andrés Fabre, Fernando Galindo, Xavier López, Hernán Barbieri and Erick Galicia[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_2950" align=”aligncenter” width=”442"]

IZO2013_003From left to right: Alessandra Gavito, Gilberto Güido, Andrés Fabre, Xavier López, José Antonio Pérez and Hernán Barbieri

From left to right: Alessandra Gavito, Gilberto Güido, Andrés Fabre, Xavier López, José Antonio Pérez and Hernán Barbieri[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_2951" align=”aligncenter” width=”442"]

From left to right: Gilberto Güido, Alessandra Gavito, Andrés Fabre, Sasha Sámano, Trinidad Correa, Raúl Matte and Xavier López

From left to right: Gilberto Güido, Alessandra Gavito, Andrés Fabre, Sasha Sámano, Trinidad Correa, Raúl Matte and Xavier López[/caption]

KongratZ to KidZania Cuicuilco, KidZania Dubai, KidZania Monterrey and KidZania Santiago for this outstanding achievement!

