KidZania is Recognized as “Best Franchise Abroad”… Again!

KidZania Journal
KidZania Journal
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2014

MEXICO CITY, Mexico. KidZania Journal. March 6, 2014. (English). –Last night, during the 17th Mexican Franchise Association (AMF) Annual Awards, KidZania was recognized as the “2013 Best Franchise Abroad”. Mr. Gilberto Guido, recently appointed as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, received the award at the gala, which also commemorated the Association’s 25th anniversary.

Year after year, KidZania has proven to be one of Mexico’s most successful businesses under the franchise scheme. As of today, KidZania has 15 operating metropolises in 12 different markets, plus 11 more in several development stages. KidZania will continue to expand its Nation with the upcoming opening of KidZania Istanbul next month.

[caption id=”attachment_3131" align=”aligncenter” width=”409"]

"2013 Best Franchise Abroad" award, by the Mexican Franchise Association.

“2013 Best Franchise Abroad” award, by the Mexican Franchise Association[/caption]

KidZania is proud of being recognized with this award for the fifth time ever and third in a row, moreover for being part of the Mexican franchises making a difference in Mexico and around the world.

Mr. Diego Elizarrarás Cerda, Former President of the Mexican Franchise Association, congratulated the winning companies and assured that they are a great motivation for Mexican entrepreneurs.

KidZania would like to ZanK all of its franchisees and industry partners for their trust, as well as the effort, passion and commitment of our more than 6,000 collaborators and associates across the globe. This marks yet another important milestone for our Nation, which will be celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.

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