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When Should Your Children Go to Bed?

The Guardian. February 12, 2013. (English). A Sussex headteacher has warned parents to put their kids to bed earlier so they are refreshed for the school day –so how much do children and young people really need? Suzanne Morgan, headteacher of a primary school in…

Some Essential Supplies of First Aid for Kids

PR Log. January 28, 2013. (English). -Would you like to have first aid for kids before you take time to rush to hospital just to seek professional medical help for your kid’s life? Mostly parents would answer as yes in loud clear voice; still you…

Kids online: A New Research Agenda for Understanding Social Networking Forums

NEW YORK, New York. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center. November 14, 2012. (English) by Sara Grimes and Deborah Fields. -A growing number of kids at increasingly younger ages are engaging in online social…

New Study Sizes up Kids and Apps

Kidscreen.com. July 24, 2012. (English). -Looking at kids’ mobile app/entertainment habits and parents’ searching behavior, The NPD Group’s new study Kids and Apps: A New Era of Play, has revealed that the Apple App Store is the go-to resource for parents to find apps for…

Kids Learning Code!

Code Academy is an interactive online tool that teaches kids Java Script. Through the program kids are not just shown the…