Importing a subset of branches into Business Central

Paulo Martins
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2019

Recently we added a new feature in Business Central: the option to choose which branches to import while importing a project.

Photo by Douglas do Vale

When importing projects from a repository, you can select only the branches that you want to persist in Business Central.

  1. In Business Central, click Menu → Design → Projects.
  2. Select or create the space into which you want to import the project. The default space is MySpace.
  3. Click the three dots on the right side of the screen and select Import Project.
Import project popup access

In the Import Project window, enter the URL and credentials for the Git repository that contains the project that you want to import and click Import.

Import project popup

After clicking on Import, all projects found in that repository will be listed:

List of projects to import

On the right side of each project name, click on the branch icon. Select the branches that you want to import.

List of projects to import

Only the selected branches are persisted:

List of imported branches

To conclude, here is a video demonstrating the steps detailed above:

