Kogito Online DMN/BPMN Editor and Chrome Extension improvements

Paulo Martins
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2020

Today we released version 0.2.7 of our Online Editor and GitHub Chrome Extension featuring several improvements.

Photo by Douglas do Vale

Try a sample DMN/BPMN model on online editor

Now it is possible to try a sample DMN or BPMN model in our Kogito Online Editor. To do that, you can select the type of the model and click “Try Sample”.

Using the Try Sample feature

Copy model as source to clipboard

If you want to copy a file content without downloading it and opening a text editor, you can just click in the kebab at the top-right corner of the screen and select the option “Copy content to clipboard”.

Copying model as source to clipboard

Create a magic link using the Chrome Extension to open a GitHub file in the Online Editor

While viewing or editing files on GitHub with our Chrome Extension installed, it is now possible to copy a persistent link that opens a GitHub file in the Online Editor directly. To do that, click the “Copy link to Online Editor” button, and paste it wherever you want to.

Copying a link to Online Editor

Open any asset in the Online Editor using a query parameter

Now it is possible to create custom Online Editor URLs that open files from any domain. To do that, you just need to replace the URL to your file and the editor type below:


For example:


NOTE: The URL to your file must allow CORS in its response, which should contain the following header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

New features and improvements are in development, so stay tuned for the next releases!

