Meetup #1 Functional Java — Introduction & Implementing CQRS with Akka

16 Marzec 2017 @ Bohomass Lab

Pawel Dolega
Kielce Java
2 min readJan 4, 2018


Talk #1: Łukasz Biały “Functional Java — introduction”


Functional-oriented programming languages are becoming more and more popular. Can Java developers gain anything from embracing the functional hype? In my talk I’ll try to show that it’s worth to incorporate functional idioms into your codebase to achieve greater type-safety, compile-time error detection and composability by using Java 8’s lambdas, functional interfaces, language- extending libraries like Javaslang and functional-reactive programming library Rxjava.


Polyglot full-stack developer currently employing his enthusiasm for functional programming and quality coding at VirtusLab. Permanent learner with severe information dependency problem. Enjoys conversations about philosophy and all things related to mind’s inner workings. Loves mountains and hiking.

Talk #2: Michał Tomański “Implementing CQRS with Akka”


Command Query Responsibility Segregation is an innovative design pattern focusing on the data modelling. It introduces two separate data models: one for the commands storage that represents modifications of data and one for querying (producing views from the facts that are gathered in the system). Services with complex domain may benefit greatly from such separation. It also allows you to scale reads and writes independently, which is particularly useful for systems experiencing high load.
In this talk, CQRS pattern will be implemented with a great help of Akka toolkit. The language chosen for sample project is Scala, although everything present here might be implemented using Java as well.


I’m a Scala developer at Virtuslab, where I enjoy working with microservices. Privately, I’m a fan of various manual sports and traveling. I’ve recently found that I really enjoy teaching and helping others, so I talk on conferences, conduct workshops and host travelers via Couchsurfing.


Exclusive sponsor of this meeting is VirtusLab: Kielce JUG founding sponsor.



Pawel Dolega
Kielce Java

Entrepreneur / Engineer. CTO @ VirtusLab. Exploring joys & sorrows of technologies. Comprehensivist.