Meetup #2 Cloud Native Apps & Microservices with Spring Cloud

27 kwiecień 2017 @ Bohomass Lab

Pawel Dolega
Kielce Java
2 min readJan 10, 2018


Talk #1: Pawel Prazak “Cloud Native Applications”


“How do I make my JVM run on a distributed system, what’s with the hype and why should I care?” — the main question I’ll try to answer in this talk.

We will start with a definition of Cloud Native Applications and how an application developer perspective is affected by it. After that we will move on to a high level overview of a modern distributed system.

Next we’ll take a closer look at Kubernetes and a simple application delivery pipeline with Jenkins.

Finally, I’ll point out some challenges that JVM on Docker provides.


Software Engineer particularly interested in distributed computing and security. After few years of writing middleware code in Java he moved on to Infrastructure as Code and Kubernetes. He usually dreams of containers and software automation. Seriously addicted to twitter and coffee.

Talk #2: Krzysztof Miernik “Create Microservices with Spring Cloud”


In this session I am going to demonstrate how to effectively develop microservices by taking an advantage of using mostly Netflix OSS components provided by Spring Cloud project.

You are going to hear what the common patterns for building distributed systems are and learn how to put such distributed pieces together. I will also share my experiences, both good and bad ones.

Finally, you are going to find out why it is sometimes better to create a monolith than work with microservices and get some tips how to create such monolith in a solid fashion.


I am a full stack developer at Roche where I got a chance to work with microservices. Addicted to books. Looking for a way to extend day to at least 28 hours. Former foosball champion (at pub level only), sill unbeaten and eager to accept a challenge.


Exclusive sponsor of this meeting is VirtusLab: Kielce JUG founding sponsor



Pawel Dolega
Kielce Java

Entrepreneur / Engineer. CTO @ VirtusLab. Exploring joys & sorrows of technologies. Comprehensivist.