Are You Using Conversational Technology to Drive Revenue & Productivity? Here’s 3 Ways

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3 min readMar 29, 2018

The way in which we communicate through electronic devices has changed drastically over the past 25 years. An emoji now suffices as a meaningful response in a mobile chat conversation. Sending electronic messages that contain digital images, gifs, videos, emojis, links and embeddable videos have become compulsory in our daily lives.

It was never a question as to if chat would enter the workplace, but when.

Chat has altered our expectations when it comes to receiving answers and accessing information. Email is the new snail mail, as on-demand access to knowledge through chat is becoming the norm for both customers and employees.

Team Collaboration tools are now mainstream in most tech-savvy workplaces, and AI has reached a stage in which conversational bots can have progressively engaging and human-like conversations. Conversational interfaces are the future of work.

1. Conversational Team Collaboration

The first step to ensuring a well-oiled, revenue-ready workplace is enabling employee productivity and self-sufficiency. One way to do this (and thousands of organizations already have) is to introduce a team collaboration tool such as Slack or Workplace by Facebook.

Drastically improving internal communication, the days of CC’ing 10 people on an email are (almost) gone. A simple message to the group Slack channel and anyone who is relevant to the conversation can chime in. No ‘reply all’ necessary.

Team Collaboration tools are making our working lives simpler, more fun and more productive through the ability to ask questions, receive feedback on work, share files, or get progress updates. Work environments are more transparent and accessible increasing employee awareness and strengthening the entire revenue generating process.

2. Conversational Knowledge Sharing

“I’ll get back to you,” said every sales rep ever when pressed with a question to which they don’t know the answer. That is until they use Kiite, a conversational agent that’s purpose is to answer your internal company questions on-demand, 24/7.

Having the capability to access information from mobiles devices we carry everywhere has made us instant gratification junkies. We need answers from everyone immediately, therefore, getting the information to the customer faster leads to a faster purchase decision.

Not only can a conversational AI agent such as Kiite arm your sales force with the information they need to close the deal faster, but it can also improve daily workflow. According to a McKinsey Global Institute study, only 39% of an employee’s time is spent on role-specific tasks. The other 61% is wasted rummaging through email, trying to locate files, or syncing with co-workers.

Using AI for knowledge sharing is still a relatively new concept, but the benefits are undeniable. Provide your employees’ tools to enable them to work “smarter,” while increasing productivity and revenue.

3. Conversational Marketing

By now, most internet enthusiasts have interacted with a bot, either embedded on a website or through a medium such as Facebook chat. These conversations can either occur with an intelligent bot or a human and in many instances the human can’t even tell the difference.

Conversational marketing is personal and real-time. Connecting with your leads through one-on-one conversations, answering their questions and listening to feedback right on your website homepage.

As consumers, we are incredibly self-sufficient. We can do in-depth research on products with the click of a button and come to an educated decision fast, often unassisted. Imagine there was only a single piece of information blocking your customer from converting on your website.

Why not offer a communication method such as a conversational agent that is easily accessible and on-demand to answer their question and possibly resulting in dollars earned. In a study conducted by Business Intelligence, 80% of respondents said they already used or planned to use chatbots by 2020.

Will yours be one of them?



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The future of work is being built today. Supercharge your workforce with Kiite.