Donald Trump and Interpreting the Truth: A Tale of Learning Python

Kiki Schirr
Kiki Codes
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2015

Today’s lesson was about introducing a value as “true.” So when I set about reworking the book’s example to be a conditional truth, Donald Trump kept coming to mind…

I’ll post my example here, but you’ll notice that a colon is highlighted…

I knew the colon was correct, so I looked again at what I’d written, and I’d left out a nested end-parenthesis…

And I see that it jumped out at me quickly as a very good sign!


Trucking along…



Kiki Schirr
Kiki Codes

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!