AI (Artificial Intelligence) and MakeCode Arcade

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2024

AI is all the rage right now, so you may be wondering how Microsoft plans to integrate the phenomenon into its smaller educational products like MakeCode Arcade.

First, I want to assure you that our team has a healthy respect for all things AI…the good, the bad, and the terrifying. We don’t plan to ever include features that put your safety or privacy in jeaopardy. That said, I know that artificial intelligence and large language models have hit the mainstream and enthusiasts are interested in finding more ways to include them in coding projects. This post will offer ideas for those who want to experience something special.

Because MakeCode is friendly for a wide range of ages, we are not able to create direct connections between our product and services that require users to be over age 13 (like ChatGPT.) Instead, I’d like to showcase a few ways that ages 13+ can organically blend external AI tools into Arcade projects.

What is AI?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the thing that allows computers or robots to appear to make decisions or create products in a way similar to what humans are capable of. In many ways, it’s able to learn, think, and make decisions on its own. Imagine a video game opponent that learns how to fight more effectively the longer you play, or a smart assistant on your phone that appears to understand what you’re asking. That’s AI in action!

Let’s look at ways to use AI with Arcade, even when it’s not directly linking to AI services.

Brainstorming Game Ideas

You can use AI tools (like ChatGPT) to brainstorm game ideas. Ask it to suggest storylines, characters, and challenges. It’s like having a buddy who’s always ready to share cool new ideas for your next project.

Designing Game Assets

There are “freemium” AI tools (like Dall-E) that can help design characters, and backgrounds…and Chat-GPT can help come up with music. You can describe what style you want, and the AI generates it for you. Then, take these creations and use them in your MakeCode Arcade games. Just remember, you might have to adjust the designs a bit to fit the style of Arcade.

For example, use ChatGPT to invent medieval-sounding music in ABC notation, then grab an ABC->Sheet Music converter to learn how to port it to the Arcade music tool.

Writing Storylines

AI can also help write stories for your games. Whether you need dialogues between characters or a captivating plot, AI can give you a great starting point. Then, you can tweak the story to make it your own and integrate it into your game.

Testing and Debugging

While AI can’t directly fix bugs in your MakeCode Arcade projects (yet), it can offer advice on solving common coding problems. If you’re stuck, try asking an AI what might be going wrong. Just remember, it’s like getting advice from a friend; you still need to think critically about the solution.

Getting Creative

Now, it’s your turn to get creative. Think of AI as a tool in your toolkit. Use it to spark new ideas, solve problems, and learn new things. Then, bring those ideas to life in MakeCode Arcade! Remember, the goal is to have fun, learn, and create something you’re proud of.

If you use AI tools to build a game with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade, be sure to grab the share link and leave me a comment below.

Happy coding!



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode