How to Get Started with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2024

Creating your very first video game can be both exhilarating and a bit daunting. However, with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade, it’s not only possible, it’s amazingly fun! This post will guide you through the initial steps of getting ready to make your first retro-style arcade game.

Getting to Know MakeCode Arcade

Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is a web-based platform designed to introduce learners to the fundamentals of game development and programming in a fun, interactive way. It’s perfectly suited for beginners, offering a block-based coding environment that can be transitioned into JavaScript or Python for more advanced users. The platform isn’t just about coding; it’s about bringing game ideas to life.

Setting Up for Success

1. Explore Existing Resources

Before diving into your first game, spend some time exploring the MakeCode Arcade website. It’s a treasure trove of tutorials, example games, and comprehensive documentation that can inspire and guide you. Familiarizing yourself with these resources will give you a solid foundation to build upon.

Also, don’t sleep on the other posts in this blog! There’s an encyclopedia of help already documented in these pages.

2. Understand the Basics

The MakeCode Arcade interface is designed to be intuitive, but getting a grasp of basic concepts is crucial. Learn about sprites (characters and objects in your game), tilemaps (the layout or map of your game world), controls (how players interact with your game), and physics (how things move and interact within your game). These building blocks are essential for creating any project.

3. Plan Your Game

Jumping straight into coding without a plan can take longer and sometimes lead to confusion. Instead, take some time to brainstorm your game idea. Think about the storyline, the characters, the objectives, and the challenges. Sketch your ideas and game levels on paper. This step is helpful in transforming your vision into a playable game.

Dive Into Game Development

1. Start with Tutorials

MakeCode Arcade offers a variety of “Getting Started” tutorials that are perfect for beginners. Completing a simple project through these guides will help you understand the workflow and the possibilities within MakeCode Arcade.

2. Experiment with Simple Projects

After getting a feel for the platform, experiment with creating mini-projects. This practice will help you become comfortable with different features, such as adding sprites, creating backgrounds, and programming movements.

3. Implement Your Game Idea

Now it’s time to bring your game plan to life. Start by adding your characters and designing the first level. Gradually code the game mechanics, referring back to the tutorials and documentation as needed. Remember, game development is an iterative process; start simple and add complexity gradually.

Tips for a Smooth Development Process

  • Start Small: Begin with simple game mechanics and build complexity over time.
  • Test and Debug: Regularly test your game to identify and fix any issues.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your game with friends, parents, or educators and use their feedback to make improvements.

Joining the MakeCode Community

Sharing your game with the MakeCode community is not only a proud moment but also a fantastic opportunity for growth. You’ll receive valuable feedback, see what others are creating, and participate in challenges and events. Engaging with the community can significantly enhance your skills and inspire new projects.

Resources for Further Learning

As you become more comfortable with MakeCode Arcade, explore additional resources to learn advanced tutorials, coding concepts, and game design principles. Challenge yourself to explore other programming languages offered within MakeCode, expanding your knowledge and skills.

Making your first game in Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is just the beginning of a thrilling journey into game development. By following these steps, you’ll not only learn the basics of programming and game design but also unlock a creative outlet for your ideas. So, take the leap and start bringing your game visions to life. The world of MakeCode Arcade awaits, full of learning opportunities and the joy of creation.



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode