Adding Hints and Help Systems in MakeCode Arcade

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2024

Creating games with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is a rewarding and educational experience. As developers, we strive to make our games engaging and user-friendly.

One essential feature that enhances the gaming experience is the inclusion of hints and help systems. These elements guide players, helping them learn how to play your game without frustration.

In this article, we’ll explore how to add hints and help systems in MakeCode Arcade, ensuring your game is both enjoyable and accessible.

Why Add Hints and Help Systems?

Hints and help systems are crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Players are more likely to enjoy and stick with your game if they understand how to play it.
  • Accessibility: Not all players have the same skill level. Providing assistance ensures your game can be enjoyed by a broader audience.
  • Engagement: Players are more engaged when they feel supported and can progress through challenges without undue frustration.

Adding Instructions

First impressions are everything. If you want users to immediately take to your game, they need to have some idea how to play. An initial splash screen with instructions can go a long way. Here’s how to go about adding one:

Add a Splash Screen:

  • From the Game category, drag an add splash screen block to the on start event. Or, if you have a long instruction set, try using the show long text block, instead.
  • Pay attention to where you add these instructions, since the rest of the game won’t load until the splash screen has been dismissed.

Adding In-Game Hints

In-game hints are messages that appear during gameplay, providing players with tips or guidance. Here’s how you can add them:

Create a Sprite for Hints:

  • In the Sprites section, create a new sprite that will serve as the visual representation of your hint.
  • Customize the sprite to make it look like a hint box or an icon.

Set the Position:

  • Position the hint sprite where it will be visible but not intrusive to the gameplay.
  • Use the set position block to place the hint sprite on the screen.

Trigger the Hint:

  • Use an event, such as a player reaching a certain point in the game, to trigger the display of the hint.

Display the Hint:

  • Use the sprite say block to display a hint message. This block allows you to customize the text and its position on the screen.

Adding a Help Menu

A help menu provides players with a comprehensive guide they can access at any time. Here’s how to add one:

Create a Help Button:

  • In the Controller section, create a button press event. For example, use the Menu button to open the help menu.

Design the Help Menu:

  • Use the show long text block to display help information.
  • Organize the text into sections for easy readability.

If you’re feeling really fancy, you can create separate “screens” or “levels” that a player can travel to when they hit the menu button during game play.

Testing and Iteration

Once you’ve added hints and help systems, it’s essential to test them thoroughly. Play through your game and ensure the hints appear at the right moments and the help menu is easily accessible. Try getting feedback from others to identify any areas that might need adjustment.


Adding hints and help systems in MakeCode Arcade is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the user experience. By providing players with the guidance they need, you can create a more engaging and enjoyable game. Whether through initial instructions, in-game hints, or a comprehensive help menu, these features ensure your game is accessible to a wide range of players.

So, get started adding these essential elements to your game, and watch as your players navigate your creation with confidence and enjoyment!



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode