Skillmap Updates Coming!

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2023

You may have noticed that Turkey Day looks a little different from last year. We’ve updated this skillmap with new anigifs, hints, and a new way of testing your game as you go.

The education team has decided to simplify “beginner” level maps across the board and these changes will be rolling out throughout January as we update Star, Mama Dino, the Story map, and more!

If your classroom is depending on the old interface for the “Beginner” map, Shark, or other previous Hour of Code favorites, have no fear — we’ll leave the URLs to the previous versions untouched until summer, so students can continue to get to the old version directly from the original address.

You may notice the new versions of these activities as they take over the Microsoft MakeCode Arcade homepage, but they will be accessed from a new URL, allowing users to choose which version they use until summer of ‘23.



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode