Bringing MakeCode Arcade Games to Life with Custom Sound Effects

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2024

Sound is a pivotal aspect of game design that can significantly enhance the player’s experience. In Microsoft MakeCode Arcade, adding sound effects is not only simple but also a fun way to add depth to your games. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide on how to create and integrate sound effects into your MakeCode Arcade projects.

Understanding Sound in MakeCode Arcade

MakeCode Arcade offers the built-in capability to add sound effects that can be triggered by various actions, such as jumping, collecting items, or collisions. These sounds are generated using simple blocks within the MakeCode editor, making it easy for beginners to get started.

Step 1: Access the Sound Blocks

To start adding sound effects, you’ll need to access the “Music” category in your MakeCode editor. This section houses all the blocks related to sound, including playing tones, setting volume, and more. Choose the one that looks like it has a wiggly worm coming out of the music note and drop it into your event handler to begin crafting your sound landscape.

Step 2: Create a Sound Effect

Let’s create a simple sound effect for a typical game action — jumping:

  1. Drag a “play sound” block into your workspace, attaching it to the event handler that corresponds to the jumping action. For instance, if the (A) button makes the player jump, attach the sound effect to the on A button Pressed block.
  2. Click the wiggly worm area of the play block and you’ll see the sound effects editor.
  3. You can switch to the gallery and choose an option that evokes the sound of jumping (like the “Jump” sound) or you can stay on the editor screen and mess around with the buttons until you get something you like.
  4. Test the sound you chose by playing your game in the simulator within the MakeCode editor. This allows you to hear the sound effect in action and determine if it fits the intended action.

Step 3: Customizing Sounds

The sound effects editor has a lot of options, including frequency, volume, and duration. Here’s how you can use the buttons and sliders to a custom alert sound:

  1. Choose your starting and ending frequency and duration. Experimenting with this combo will give you a wide range of sounds. Also, try making the duration shorter or longer to see how that affects the mood of the effect.
  2. Play with the waveforms. Each waveform gives your sound a different personality. Which waveform is best for a jumping sound? Which one is best for an alien invasion?
  3. Add an effect or interpolation from the dropdown menus. This will add just the right amount of polish to your effect.

Step 4: Optimizing Sound Usage

While it’s exciting to add various sounds, it’s essential to use them sparingly to avoid overwhelming the player. Here are some tips for effective sound integration:

  • Use sounds to provide feedback or reward to the player. Every sound should have a purpose and enhance the gameplay.
  • Keep the volume consistent across all sounds to ensure a harmonious sound experience.
  • Test your game with friends or family to get feedback on the sound balance and make adjustments as needed.


Adding sound effects in MakeCode Arcade is a straightforward process that can dramatically improve the engagement and fun of your game. By following these simple steps, you can begin to explore the auditory possibilities and create a more immersive environment for your players. Remember, the key to effective sound design is to enhance the gaming experience without overwhelming your audience.

Now, go forth and fill your games with exciting, mood-enhancing sounds that bring your creations to life!



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode