Attention Distribution & Economy

Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy
3 min readJan 29, 2024

Attention structures of individuals differ on what type of person they are, what age, what activity they’re performing, and where they are. There are so many ways in which attention is distributed whether it is a classroom, office building, grocery store, or virtual space such as different internet platforms and applications. Interpersonal relationships are also reflected in attention distribution in means of online or in-person chatting. Attention structure mostly refers to which patterns of orientation to time and space that individuals use to attend to elements of interaction, according to Jones and Hafner in their book, Understanding Digital Literacies.

This diagram helps to understand attention distribution and highlights the fact that attention is certainly neither only inside nor outside of your head. When performing efficiently enough to manage various activities at once, these three components work in sync together creating that middle point of social action.

Of course, attention depends on different people and which activities they perform. For example, a young child who is at a family dinner table with their favorite television playing in the background is more likely to respond to the show playing than a family member’s conversation. A high school boy learning about science is more likely to check his phone for the latest football stats.

Something that I can relate to on a personal level is managing homework while being next to my phone. Distributing my attention to one task at once is sometimes very complicated, especially with all the technology we have today. To elaborate, sometimes when I’m working on a homework assignment when watching a YouTube video is required, I will “split” my computer screen to view the video at the same time as taking notes. Doing this helps get the work done but I often find myself tuning out the video when taking notes, having to playback sections of the video which ultimately makes the assignment take longer than needed. Technology has its positives and negatives of course through every aspect, but I think finding that proper balance is especially important when using it in the most beneficial ways.

Multiple windows open at once on a MacBook

Earlier in the week, class discussions made me think a little deeper about the technology and information that surrounds us. This leaves me to question: What does my internet use say about myself? We often think of the cognitive and social aspects of paying attention. How exactly has technology shortened our attention spans and the ability to stay present in that given moment?

Overall, the context of whichever situation you are being faced with is the most important factor in deciding whether multitasking can be efficient and if attention can be distributed evenly.

To further expand on this idea, the “attention economy” is really what captures each and every one of us. Being present on online platforms whether it’s TikTok, Instagram Reels, or other video apps like YouTube shorts can really show how great your individual attention can be. When watching such short videos for hours on end, it is after all, how attention-grabbing each post is. These types of platforms can consist of hours on end scrolling which harms our personal health along with attention spans.

It is critical to find the proper balance between what types of priorities you should devote your attention to. Sadly, there are so many online distractions today which make it more difficult to do so.



Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy

Student writer at High Point University pursuing a degree in social media and digital communications.