“SIFT” 101

Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy
3 min readFeb 18, 2024

Sorting internet information into what is true and what is false is sometimes super difficult. With the number of browsers there are, websites, and social media platforms, finding the correct information isn’t always accessible the first search. As we are so fortunate to have the amount of technology we do, it’s critical to not depend on one source for finding and sorting through information. That is why learning research methods is important, especially what we will be discussing today which is the “SIFT” method.

To begin, the “S” in SIFT stands for stop. It is essential to stop once you reach a page and begin to read. You should be asking yourself whether or not the website you’re on is a trustworthy and reliable source. If you can’t decipher this question, it’s important to use another website to gain a better idea of what knowledge you want to gain. Before sharing it with other people, it’s important you know yourself what it is.

As we move on to the “I” in SIFT, investing through the source is another important aspect. Investigating the source is the key to finding out what sort of information you are actually consuming. Essentially, investing in the source before will help you properly sort through the true and false information. Ultimately, this part is to search through other sources to understand the website and the information itself.

The “F” in STIF is all about finding trusted coverage. This is especially critical when checking claims. When supporting a claim or statement that can be easily persuaded, it is crucial to find other trusted reported sources or even analysis on the claim itself. Ignore the source that you just discovered and go beyond that to make sure the information you access is correct. Remember, you can never research too much.

Finally, the “T” in STIF covers the ability to trace claims, quotes, and even media back to its original content. This is to make sure that the original content has supported claims along with it. This is so you can get a real sense of the newer researched version was what you saw as it was presented.

Ultimately, SIFT is a great method to use when using the internet as a research tool and a hack to learn how to navigate through information. The main theme that runs through all of the presented letters is how the idea of reconstructing necessary context is the key to properly evaluating digital content. While there are easier ways to go about finding the correct online information such as a quick Google search, using the SIFT method can save you from a very good report versus a very bad report as it goes through four different ways to break down information.

As always, everything you read on the internet isn’t always true and a double check can never hurt, even if the source appears as a trusted one!



Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy

Student writer at High Point University pursuing a degree in social media and digital communications.