Technology in Children’s Classrooms: Here’s What You Should Know

Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy
5 min readApr 22, 2024

Why You Should Learn to Love Technology in Early Childhood Education

When you think of an early childhood classroom, most people likely envision a lively and interactive setting where children engage in learning activities focused on the alphabet, numbers, plenty of playtime, and sometimes even naptime. Traditionally, you may not have imagined computers or tablets in this environment, but the landscape is evolving along with technology itself. Nowadays, early childhood classrooms increasingly incorporate educational technology alongside play-based, hands-on learning experiences. The integration of technology in many classrooms, especially those catering to young children, is becoming more widespread. Since technology has its downside of exposing children to mature information at a young age, it’s essential to understand the dynamic between children and technology and how to effectively incorporate it into the earliest educational settings.

The Evolution of Technology in Education

Technology has long played a role in education, but its significance has transformed educational processes over recent decades, almost becoming essential. Given its fundamental role in current society, today’s students are required to develop digital citizenship skills as part of their education. Even within early childhood development programs, integrating technology and media literacy into educational practices is crucial.

Evolution of Technology

The invention of the World Wide Web in 1989 marked a pivotal moment. In later decades, schools began embracing connectivity and the accessibility of information with technology usage. By 1990, the interactive whiteboard emerged, signaling a shift from traditional tools like overhead projectors and VHS tapes to touchscreen systems like smartboards and computers in every classroom. From 2000 to 2010, technology continued its infiltration into educational settings, with the widespread adoption of e-readers, and tablets. Subsequently, the focus turned to artificial intelligence (AI), as software companies aimed to analyze student performance, and platforms like Google Classroom promised to streamline teacher tasks.

However, the pandemic accelerated the integration of technology into education as schools transitioned to remote learning which for some was a difficult transition. Despite challenges related to technology access in some communities, this shift underscored technology’s role in classrooms. Even early childhood educators are now confronted with decisions on how to effectively incorporate technology, recognizing its permanence in educational settings.

Presently, teachers across all age groups have embraced technology to facilitate remote learning. In higher education, it was studied from a survey from Best Colleges that more than 1 in 4 college students take all online classes. The modern classroom landscape is being reshaped by technology, necessitating early childhood educators to comprehend its implications so they can adeptly integrate technology into their teaching practices.

Positive Impacts of Technology for Young Students

It’s a common misconception that young students don’t benefit from technology in the classroom, but the reality is quite the opposite. When used effectively, technology can have a significant positive impact on preschool students. Here are several reasons why incorporating technology into early childhood classrooms is advantageous:

1. Enhanced Social and Emotional Development

Preschool-aged students may not develop fine motor skills at the same pace. This discrepancy can lead to frustration for students who feel behind their peers. Touchscreen devices offer an avenue for all students to engage in educational activities without being hindered by fine motor coordination issues. An article from Brightwheel Blog states that technology supports the development of these fine motor skills. By leveling the playing field, technology supports improved social and emotional development. Additionally, online platforms facilitate idea-sharing among students without the need for extensive writing, further fostering social and emotional growth.

Child Practicing Fine Motor Skills

2. Improved Foundational Academic Skills

Computers and tablets can be utilized to provide students with educational games that reinforce alphabet and number skills. These activities can be tailored to each student’s developmental level. For instance, if a student requires extra assistance with counting, they can practice through interactive games. Equally, advanced modules can be offered to challenge students who have surpassed their classmates. Technology can effectively enhance foundational academic skills in this manner. This differs from an old-school style of learning as the teacher creates a lesson plan for the class as a whole despite learning abilities.

3.Adoption of Universal Design for Learning

Technology enables educators to embrace the principles of universal learning design, which emphasizes teaching methods that accommodate diverse learning styles and minimize unnecessary barriers. By leveraging technology, educators can make information and skills accessible to students who might otherwise struggle, aligning with the principles of universal learning design. If you are unfamiliar with UDL’s their guidelines are listed here.

UDL Guidelines

4. Increased Engagement in Learning

Children are naturally drawn to technology. Instead of resisting this reality, educators can harness it to make learning more engaging and enjoyable. Fostering active engagement among all students requires innovative approaches, and integrating technology into the classroom can be a key component of these strategies. By embracing technology, educators can tap into children’s inherent interest and enthusiasm, thereby enhancing the learning experience.

Ultimately, when used appropriately along with the proper resources, technology can have such an amazing advantage for younger students in the classroom today. The integration of technology into early childhood education, through its transformative potential, can have positive impacts on young students. By embracing technology, educators can enhance social and emotional development, improve foundational academic skills, adopt universal design for learning principles, and increase engagement in learning. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, understanding and effectively incorporating technology into early childhood classrooms is essential to provide young learners with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive in a digitally driven world.


Brightwheel. “Technology in Early Childhood Education.” Brightwheel, 28 Mar. 2024,

“Fine Motor Fun from the Dollar Store.” KidsCare Home Health, KidsCare Home Health, 1 Mar. 2024,

Infographics, eLearning. “Timeline of Educational Technology in Schools Infographic — e-Learning Infographics.” E, 22 Mar. 2019,

“Online Learning Statistics: Bestcolleges.” BestColleges.Com, 3 Apr. 2024,

“The UDL Guidelines.” UDL, 22 Mar. 2024,



Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy

Student writer at High Point University pursuing a degree in social media and digital communications.