What I Predict the Future News Room to Look Like

Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy
3 min readApr 4, 2024

If you are unaware of what a copy editor does in their profession, you should realize that they put in the toughest behind-the-scenes work to make a writing piece interesting, catchy, and free of grammar errors for the public to view.

In today’s typical newsroom, I envision a scene of chaos, with desks cluttered with paperwork and editors surrounded by pens and highlighters. The role of a copy editor appears daunting, burdened by the pressure to perfect every detail before publication.

However, if we fast forward ten years, I believe the landscape of the newsroom will shift dramatically. Technology has become central to news gathering and publishing, transforming the copy-editing process. Four key aspects of the copy editor’s role are: correcting grammar, spelling, and style errors; assessing news value; selecting, cropping, and sizing visual content; and staying updated on the latest technology.

Technological advancements hold the promise of fixing grammar errors. Rather than exclusively relying on human oversight, digital tools present precise detection and correction of grammar and spelling errors. This shift holds a more thorough approach to editing, resulting in publications of better quality.

Despite the increase in news availability through online platforms, the basic principle of evaluating news importance stays the same. Copy editors must keep up with current events to delicately assess the relevance and importance of each story. Even with technological advancements, the core of this role remains unchanged.

Additionally, there’s a big change happening in how we pick visual content. Before, we had to physically arrange images on tables. But now, editors can use online tools like Microsoft PowerPoint and Canva instead. These tools make it easy to edit and size images just right, making our publications look even better.

Finally, it’s super important for copy editors to stay up-to-date with new technology. Fast advancements mean we always have to be learning to use the newest software and tools. Adapting to these changes is crucial for keeping editing processes efficient and high-quality.

In the future, newsrooms are ready to welcome technology as a key part of how they work. By using digital tools carefully, we can make editing easier and improve the quality of journalism. As different ideas come together and new digital stuff changes things, journalism is set to grow a lot in the digital age.

While I have had the amazing opportunity to receive an education at High Point University, I have been able to take a lot of classes that introduce me to new sectors of writing and dive more in-depth toward the careers behind it. I have been taking a journalism class this semester which has expanded my writing abilities to focus more on journalistic writing, and if you are a journalist reading, you know the AP style book will become your best friend. Through this course, I have learned about the duties of a copy editor as well as their importance in the workplace. I believe we should be giving these people more credit which they have already received because of the hard work they do.

With all of the new technology we have in our hands today, I am going to be amazed in the future at what capabilities these people will be able to reach.



Kiley Murphy
The Writing World of Kiley Murphy

Student writer at High Point University pursuing a degree in social media and digital communications.