Legend of Concepts and Tools

Percy P. Perseus
Killing Medusa
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2022

The Screen

The flat surface that projects public information to the masses. We access the three-dimensional space behind it with a Propaganda Portal.


Public information designed to foster faith in the ruling structures of the state.

M3 Power Supply

The three communications mediums that define imperial control of a trade lane: messages (medium of language), money (medium of exchange) and movement (medium of transportation.)

Propaganda Campaigns

A propaganda operation directed at a change in a law or management of the state’s legal superstructure. Usually presented as a dramatic story

Propaganda Portal

The gateway through the Screen. It must meet five key criteria:

1. Concept is Live Propaganda: Binary story on today’s Screen directed at change in a law or management of Superstructure

2. Concept Meaning without Grammar: Story does not require complete sentence for meaning.

3. Deconstruction of Concept: Story can be deconstructed into smaller components for testing with the GT Engine

4. Concept/Object Frame: Concept paired with an Object in reality — and more precise than it.

5. Change in Object (over time): Concept describes causality of change in Object. The current change is the campaign Goal. Past and future changes are justification for campaign.

Propaganda Frame

Based on Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad, this tool deconstructs propaganda campaigns into five components: Premise, Actors, Spectacles, Setting and Goal/Means.

Propaganda Quadrant

Our primary navigation tool connects the propaganda portal (or concept) with a corresponding trade infrastructure node (or object.) On the shaft in between sit three dots, which connect with the three fundamental levels of a propaganda campaign: governing interface, legal superstructure and trade lane interface.

Propaganda Matrix and Depth-of-Field

Our transitional tool to three-dimensional Abstract Space, they combines the components of the Frame and Quadrant to create a grid of coordinates.

The Tessera

Our primary mapping tool illuminates connections in three-dimensions across the across the space and time of the propaganda campaign.



Percy P. Perseus
Killing Medusa

Just trying to decode the alphabetic illusion by channeling my experience in propaganda systems, combat and backcountry skiing