Crypto Ninjas AMA - Ingo Rübe (Founder/CEO de KILT Protocol)

Crypto Volunteer- Hey Folks, The AMA session that we will organize with the KILT Protocol will start in 10 minutes. Group chat will only be open to KILT Protocol members until our questions are complete. Then it will re-open to chat so you can ask questions.

Crypto Ninja- Ladies and gentlemen, Crypto Ninjas AMA session guest is the Founder of KILT Protocol, Mr. Ingo Rübe. KILT Protocol team members will also contribute to the AMA session during the session.

Ingo Rübe- Hi

Crypto Ninja- Hi Ingo Rübe, It’s our pleasure to have you with us today.
I would like to welcome you here on behalf of our entire Crypto Ninjas community.

Ingo Rübe- nice to meet you all! thanks for inviting me!

Crypto Ninja- You welcome!
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and KILT?

Ingo Rübe- KILT is a decentralized blockchain identity protocol for issuing self-sovereign, anonymous and verifiable credentials.

KILT’s mission is to return control over personal data to its owner, restoring privacy to the individual. It was initially developed by BOTLabs GmbH, launched in September 2021 then became fully decentralized in November.
Ah. I started the project back in 2018.

Crypto Ninja- Hmm. Looks unique! So what about yourself?

Ingo Rübe- i’m a computer scientist from Germany. I have a lot of industry background, served as CTO for large companies and went fully into blockchain in 2018.

Crypto Ninja- That’s nice! Can you share LinkedIn page with us?


Crypto Ninja- Thanks Elisa

Elisa- of course 🙂

Crypto Ninja- It’s a great career. As a php senior developer since 2003 that’s good to hear that you are a board member at Drupal. Drupal has been the reference open source software for many of my commercial CMS projects. I’m honored to be someone who does the same profession as you.

Can you describe and explain the KILT ecosystem?

Ingo Rübe- Basically there are 3 parts of the ecosystem:

  1. Builders and partners from the various blockchain ecosystems: They build their own blockchains or applications on KILT’s infrastructure. Blockchains often need identity and it’s very hard to implement. Using KILT is easy, standardized and makes development much faster.
  2. Integrators: In most successful open source ecosystems, the integrators are the key to success. Integrators use the KILT SDK to build solutions for their customers. This can be private companies, institutions or governments. These integrators charge for their work and multiply the adoption of KILT.
  3. Attesters: One of the biggest economies worldwide is the economy of trust. Trusted entities like corporates, news outlets, agencies, NGOs and governments live by building, maintaining and monetizing trust. KILT helps them to move into the digital world, issuing signed credentials to their customers.

Of course there are also Collators, who run the blockchain nodes, delegators who delegate on them and voters in the community.

over, sorry.. long answer

Crypto Ninja- Nop, i like it perfect👌! Why did you choose to be in the Polkadot ecosystem?

Ingo Rübe- there are many reasons why we chose the Polkadot ecosystem. First of all, KILT was actually one of the first adopters of Substrate and is also a parachain on Kusama, so we can leverage other Kusama and eventually Polkadot parachains and collaborate with top ecosystem projects.

It was always my vision to be decentralized at one point — that is only possible when you are in a decentralized thriving ecosystem like Polkadot or Ethereum.

Ethereum gas prices are unfortunately impossible to predict. As a Polkadot parachain, we control the gas price. This allows companies to incorporate permissionless blockchain into their business plans, knowing in advance what the costs of their transactions, and also their product, will be.

Crypto Ninja- This answer was satisfying considering drupal is open source. Ethereum gas prices are insane😱

Ingo Rübe- of course. We only do open source! well. they are market driven. For mass adotion of identity this is not feasible.

Crypto Ninja- Yep! Why do we need blockchain for identity?

Ingo Rübe- Blockchain is a unique solution for major identity problems. When we think about identity we also should think about trust. In real life, we always subconsciously solve trust questions before we reveal our identity. Does the person next to us deserve our trust and therefore our personal identity? Before blockchain, our identities were stored on centralized servers. We may be careful about identity in real life but on the Internet, it is not possible due to centralized data monopolies including large social media platforms. Blockchain solves that problem with zero-trust architecture and decentralized systems. If we want to create trustless identities and focus more on the truth, we need blockchain.

Crypto Ninja- This can be very helpful if we think that blockchains will be a part of our lives in the years to come.

Largest store of credentials in the world. Meta (facebook) and Google.
Do they pose a threat to you or do you pose a threat to them
Central or decentralized credentials?
Who do you think will win?

Ingo Rübe- In a way, yes. But we must always remember to become more user friendly.

I think decentralised identity will win. But it’s not us alone. There are more than 300 companies organised in the DIF now. We are just one of them. Other known names are Microsoft and IBM. If we stand together, we will win.

Crypto Ninja- I support decentralized since 2009😜 How can blockchain identity help?

Ingo Rübe- thanks for supporting!

Blockchain technologies help with two major problems. The first one is, “Where is my data?” If some person logs onto a website or fills out an online form, where is the data going, and how safe is it stored? The answer for that is usually some centralized data silos from a server company that may store tons of data.

If that silo collapses your data thus your identity collapses within. Blockchain solves that problem with decentralized chains. Your identity is stored in your own personal wallet on your computer and just anchored to a blockchain, which is not owned by a company but by the community of all its users.

The second one is the rise of data monopolies. Companies who already stored a lot of data are currently more powerful e.g. if there is a smaller company with better ideas, it will get outbid by that monopolies because of lack of data. But with a decentralized blockchain, there is not one entity that controls the data. The user controls its own data and identity and decides when, to whom and which parts of it to present.

Crypto Ninja- Especially KYCs on crypto exchanges are a disgrace.

Ingo Rübe- I think that will get even more regulated in the future…

Crypto Ninja- I hope so. What is the Sporran wallet?

Ingo Rübe- Sporran is a browser extension that holds KILT coins, decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and credentials. With Sporran, users can create digital identities using KILT blockchain mechanisms.

Sporran basically acts like a physical wallet that stores personal digital credentials, providing users with anonymity and control over their data when they present their information to online services. In particular, Sporran not only stores your KILT coin but also your verifiable credentials and allows the user to sign messages digitally.

Crypto Ninja- Cool, I guess in a few years a lot of people will be talking about the Sporran wallet.

Ingo Rübe- that could happen. but we are blockchain builders and not wallet builders. Sporran in open source and if you want to build a better one. maybe with a better user experience or branded to your company: fine with us!

Crypto Ninja- Nice to hear that.

Aybars- Here are Sporran Wallet How to Documentation feel free to check, if there is any questions you can DM me 😊

Crypto Ninja- What is SocialKYC?

Ingo Rübe- SocialKYC: SocialKYC is a service which allows user to prove their control over different social media accounts. They receive signed credetials from SocialKYC, which they can store in Sporran and later present to services for example for logging in.

the cool thing is: SocialKYC forgets about the transactions. It never stores any consumer data. The credential is stored only in the user’s Sporran on their personal device.

Elisa- Currently users can verify their email address, Twitter and Discord; GitHub, Twitch, Telegram and YouTube verification are coming soon

Crypto Ninja- Any link for info about SocialKYC?


Crypto Ninja- Thanks Elisa, this has been very helpful.

I think this is one of the innovations that can be integrated into our digital social life.

Ingo Rübe- I hope so. There are many projects and also big companies, planning to integrate it.

Crypto Ninja- Yep they think integrate with web3 app. Why do we need SocialKYC?

Ingo Rübe- When it’s about money we will need government based KYC for a long time. But when it’s gaming, or access to social media or content production or joined development, you dont need to know the street address of your counterpart. You need to know the internet personality youre dealing with. This personality you prove with socialKYC.

Crypto Ninja- Sounds like a valid reason! Well, have you talked to any crypto corporates or government about SocialKYC integration?

Ingo Rübe- Yes. We are currently meeting with companies across many industries — gaming, health care, insurance, and media to name a few. Metaverse and NFTs are also huge digital identity use cases that would benefit from SocialKYC.

And partners are already brainstorming with us about how to use SocialKYC with DIDsign, our new tool launching in a few weeks. DIDsign is a free, decentralized way of signing and verifiying digital content like documents, videos, music and so on. You can get a sneak peek and demo of DIDsign from our Crowdcast earlier this week.

Elisa- Here is the link to our crowdcast episode:

Crypto Ninja- I will take a look. What’s on your roadmap this year? Do you think you can achieve your goals this year?

Aybars- Here is our 2022 Roadmap

Ingo Rübe- well, first thing is this will be ready within the next 2 weeks.. after that we will launch a functionality to attach unique names to DIDs. expect that until end of march.

biggest thing this year is VCOs, that’s companies, which produce digital goods and live directly on the KILT blockchain. This will be very important infrastructure for all the upcoming metaverses. Expect this end of the year.

(there will be some cool things between april and end of the year of course).

Crypto Ninja- I hope you will be successful with good teamwork 🙏

Elisa- Thank you 🙂

Crypto Ninja- Your project is one of the most suitable projects for Web 3.0. What do you think about the integration of your project with Web 3.0 and the future of Web 3.0?

Ingo Rübe- I think Web3 is actually coming and it will replace big parts of Web2. We always strive to be an important part of the infrastructure of this evolution.

— it wont work without decentralised identity 😊

Crypto Ninja- Web 1.0, Web 2.0 as a developer Web 3.0 will be exciting and we’re just getting started.

Crypto Ninja- The group chat open now. You can ask questions about KILT Protocol. KILT Protocol will be happy to answer your questions.

Kindly remember that questions related to the price of $KILT and markets or exchanges will not be answered.

Maimunat- 1) Is there any means set aside for recovery of lost or misplaced Social KYC account?
2) Can KILT credentials be nested?

Ingo Rübe- 1) Sporran allows to backup credentials, which is highly recommended. 2) yes.

C Ç- Can these credentials be used for NFTs?

Ingo Rübe- sure. But this is not something we will provide. NFT projects can use our infrastructure for example for building registries of owners and many more things.

Elizabeth- Could you give some information about the usage of credentials in metaverse?

Ingo Rübe- Sure. In the metaverse you have an identity which differs from your real world identity. Still you can communicate, build, buy, sell in the metaverse. Also maybe you are a citizen of some metaverse or you own things like land. You need credentials attached to your avatar to prove all these things.

Franki Fresh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿- Hi Ingo, how did you end up in the KPMG panel about crypto rewards?😏

Ingo Rübe- We like multipliers…

E B- Are there stake or similar incentive rewards for KILT token holders?

Ingo Rübe- sure. You can stake KILT on stakeboard. You might also consider to become a Collator.

Elisa- you can stake your KILT coins here:

Aybars- And there is how to guide for Stakeboard 😊

Tigger- Are you in contact with other government entities than Germany currently?

Ingo Rübe- yes. in South America and Africa.

Franki Fresh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿- Good Point! You can update your DID onchain. What are the limitations of the DID if you keep it local?

Elisa- The functionality of upgrading your off-chain DID (Decentralized Identifier) to an on-chain DID was recently added to Sporran. The on-chain DID allows you to create a service end point — a url. You can then store any credentials you wish to make public like your Twitter handle or email address in your Dropbox or other storage provider and link to the url. These credentials remain under your control and you can add or delete them at any time. A deposit of 2 KILT is needed to upgrade to an on-chain DID.

Crypto Ninja- AMA session with KILT Protocol is end. Thank you to Mr. Ingo Rübe and the KILT Protocol team members for their time today.

Thanks to everyone who joined the AMA session.

Thank you!

Connect with KILT Protocol

Elisa- You can also find us on twitter:
And we are also hiring. If one of the positions fits you, don’t hesitate to reach out:
Our website is:

Aybars- Here are our channels 😊

Technology And Community Discussion Channel:

Announcement Channel:

Elisa- Thanks for having us 🙂

Ingo Rübe- Good questions! Thanks for having us!

Crypto Ninja- Thanks Ingo, I was delighted to meet you. I am glad to have organized this AMA session with you.

