Our modern day time capsule

Ricky Fung
kimchi and dim sum
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2016

From our perspective, most of our days are filled with routine activities, nothing that gets the heart racing or captures the imagination. But as 2016 draws to a close and I reflect upon the past year, it is nice to be reminded that amidst the long days of work, amazing memories were created.

And that brings me to this post. Annie doesn’t know about this yet, but I created this blog for us to document our adventures together. While her memory is razor sharp and will always end up winning arguments as a result, my memory is more like a dull butter knife so this will be a nice social experiment for us.

This agreement (“Agreement”) between Ricky (“Male”) and Annie (“Female”) is effective as of December 21, 2016.

Rules are as follows:

  • Posts will be done weekly.
  • We will alternate weeks posting and there should be a minimum of one post a week.
  • This will last for one year.
  • Repeat.
Our 2016 Holiday Card Picture

