
Annie Chang
kimchi and dim sum
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

No, it isn’t Halloween, no I’m not talking about the band. I didn’t know what to title this week’s post. So much happened, with my birthday weeks, our new president (well not my president), and general life stuff.

I want to thank you for being the loving, caring person that you are. You drove/chauffeured during the women’s march just to be able to see Sidepiece and her cone of shame. Driving early in the morning, waiting in line, to pick-up b patisserie for Jesse-chan and Katrina Chan. (Those were some damn good Queen-Armans- yes I know spelling is all wrong). You drove from SF to Dublin, then to Petaluma so I could be tech support for my mom for a good 30 minutes. You opened up your home to my friends and I to celebrate the 3–1. You went to the hospital with me even though I didn’t want to admit I was too scared to go alone.

Thank you.

I never talked much in depth about my dad, his passing, and the complexity of emotions around him. I don’t really know much about your dad (mannerisms, personality), family dynamic, etc. It’s OK, we have plenty of time. So regardless of what people say, no pressure. A wedding/a ring really doesn’t mean much because all I want is you, lifelong partnership would be ideal. As long as we get to keep having Americano con Cremas, 81st surprise birthday party (this will be for you), and rearranging the pantries (at our home of 15 years, hopefully the market will dip down), I can’t wait to hear about stories of your family while we make stories of our own.


