[1/20/17] Today is a historical day but tomorrow…

Ricky Fung
kimchi and dim sum
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2017

Today marks the day that our 45th President, Donald Trump, was inaugurated. Yes. This sucks but we must look ahead for tomorrow brings hope and sunshine (figuratively since it’s supposed to rain).

Tomorrow, on the other hand, marks Annie’s birthday which is metaphorically the rainbow after the rain. January 21 will always be a special day for me now because I’m grateful that our paths intertwined…just like our fingers whenever we’re together.

But seriously, I found it remarkable that we can laugh together one minute, and the next, she knows I’m upset about something. We already celebrated by watching Kevin Durant miss a dunk and Russell Westbrook commit a ridiculous travel —

No one knows what else is in store for the birthday girl; oh wait, I do.

Annie — If I could give you the world I would. I hope to make you smile the next few days for your birthday and every day thereafter.


