Ready. Set. TEACH!

Mounir Sita
Kimera Systems
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2017


We just rolled out Phase 2 on to the Play Store. For the past couple of weeks, Nigel was in Phase 1, where we tested a new agent and subnet technology.

Phase 2 is about observing and learning user behavior. Our goal is to give Nigel’s learning algorithm a 10-day head start before we unleash its ability to apply knowledge.

By the way… Have you downloaded the Nigel AGI App?

With the start of this 10 day period, users get to start teaching Nigel. As we move forward with the Nigel Beta, users will get the chance to participate in teaching exercises that are specifically designed to help accelerate the learning process.

We are on boarding child psychology and education experts to devise a learning curriculum for Nigel. Most exercises will require minimal effort on the user’s part and will range from verifying locations to reading and writing.

To encourage users to help teach Nigel, we are developing a point system that will incentivize Nigel’s most active users. More details on the point system will be disclosed in the near future.

Towards the end of the July, we will be rolling out Phase 3. In this phase Nigel will slowly start acting on it’s accumulated knowledge, automating personal devices.

Join the Nigel AGI Expanded Beta Program

Want to do more than just read about an AGI? Join the beta, and get Nigel AGI on your Android phone!

