Coming soon

Timo Behrend
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2019

Extensive travelling for work and little time to write sometimes creates a little backlog of all the stories we want to share with you about our travels and adventures. We are writing on some exciting stories about some trips we took this year and even further back. Here’s a snapshot of the stories you can look forward to reading over the next couple of weeks and months.

“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal.” — Paul Cohelo

Sicily — a 10-day trip in the south of Italy

Most recently we spent 10 days in Sicily exploring Italy’s beautiful Island in a Fiat 500. We used Catania as our base where we stayed in a beautiful Airbnb flat which allowed us to do fantastic day trips around the eastern and northeastern part of the island. Given the time of the year we were in Sicily (beginning of September) we were lucky to escape the big masses of travellers and find some real treasures well off the beaten track. If you’re curious to see the video we made, you can watch it here.

Poland — great food and stunning nature

While everyone is obsessed with travelling to Spain, France or even further away we decided to spend our summer holidays this year in Poland. More precisely in Warsaw, the Masurian Lake District, Krakow and Gdansk. We were so positively surprised by the richness of the country and everything that it got to offer and can’t wait to tell you all about it. You can expect a lot of tips for great food, day trips within and outside the cities and accommodation. One thing is for sure, if you are travelling to Poland from Switzerland you will be amazed at how cheap things are here and about the cleanliness of the country.

Our upcoming trips

While we are still drawing energy from the amazing trips we’ve done recently we are already looking ahead at some fantastic trips that are on our radar. Here’s what we have planned next:

  • South-East Asia in December and January. You can expect a local’s guide to Singapore and some stories about northern Thailand (maybe?).
  • Bhutan later in 2020. Kim’s friend has offered to invite us to this extremely closed-up country. We are super stoked to be able to set foot in this country next year.
  • Montenegro. Touring through Montenegro with a van? Sounds like a great idea to us. Looking at doing this at some point in 2020 as well.

If you have any suggestions on where to go, please do let us know in the comments or send us a direct message. We are eager to know where you’ve travelled and what places you have explored.

Kim & Timo



Timo Behrend

Traveler, foodie and tech enthusiast. I love new adventures and to go off the beaten path, I love food and sports. On YouTube: