
Changing Contraception During COVID-19, Part 2

Having my hormonal implant removed during a pandemic

Kim Barrett
Kim’s Surrogacy Journey
4 min readMar 12, 2021


Content warning: Description of a medical procedure

Image from Pixy

At the start of January, I tried to arrange to have my hormonal implant removed because it was about to expire — but appointments weren’t being offered due to COVID. A month later, and a week after the implant had expired, I got a phone-call from the sexual health clinic offering me an appointment two days later for its removal.

As soon as I booked the appointment, I felt very stressed about it. If I’m honest, I’ve been feeling minorly stressed about having my implant removed since I first had it fitted three years ago. The procedure involves injecting a numbing agent then making a small incision through which the implant (a small plastic tube) can be removed. I don’t like needles; I like scalpels even less. During the two days waiting for the appointment, I couldn’t really focus on anything apart from the rising panic I was feeling.

As well as not liking sharp objects near my body, I also have an aversion to parts of my body feeling numb. It makes me feel quite queasy to imagine it. I’m normally alright at the time apart from feeling a little panicky, but spending two days thinking about my arm being numbed was pretty…

