Introducing: Blockchain Team

Kin Contributors
Kin Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 26, 2018

That’s right, you guessed it! Our last, but certainly not least, Blockchain Team, deserves a round of applause and a proper introduction. We are always excited to share any and all updates about Kin along the way, but we love getting to show-off our geniuses causing mayhem behind the scenes.

The goal of this team is to provide the right blockchain infrastructure to support millions of daily Kin users. The team is basically the base foundation layer, which includes features and systems that are not necessarily glamorous but absolutely necessary. Our blockchain team is focused on: scale, performance, security, decentralisation & privacy. Ever since we learned that Ethereum’s infrastructure can’t scale to the needs of Kin on its own, the team has been working on a migration process to support Kin’s future!

Another major responsibility of the blockchain team is the KRE — Kin Rewards Engine. This is a major component of injecting a financial utility into the Kin ecosystem by providing a new way for developers from all over the world to monetise by providing Kin to their users.

And now let’s meet “The New Kin on the Block(chain)”™

Tanya Rofman

Tanya Rofman, Technical Product Manager

Tanya joined Rounds (now Kik & Kin Ecosystem Foundation) 2 years ago as a SQA engineer, but quickly started filling many roles and rose to challenges in filling different gaps — be it leading the QA team, analyzing BI and data, managing products from initial conception to fully delivering them to production, and planning and executing complex projects that require coordination with multiple teams. In the last year, she led as project manager for the R&D team in Tel Aviv, focusing on video chat and experiences in Kik messenger.

When she’s not at work, you will find her photographing (very creative Instagram account), meditating at the beach, and travelling.

You can follow her on Linkedin and Medium.

Her motto is: “TraveLivExplore”

Gadi Srebnik

Gadi Srebnik, Technical Development Leader

Gadi has been with our team since the beginning — almost 10 years to be exact. In his time there he managed the server team, definitions of protocol, and media. He likes designing systems and understanding their requirements. Gadi’s favorite part of what he does is looking at the big picture and developing solutions to improve it!.

When he’s not at work, he is probably playing chess or planning his fifth trip to Vegas to play some poker.

You can follow him on Linkedin.

His motto is: “גיוון זה הכיוון” (variation is the right direction)

Yossi Rizgan

Yossi Rizgan, Android Developer

Yossi is an Android developer. He is an experienced client side developer, ranging from fancy UI to complex systems. He has interest in software architecture and design and strives to produce clean, maintainable and testable code.

When he is not busy talking with the blockchain, he is trying to share his knowledge by mentoring at TLV Android Academy, and doing some good to society by volunteering as an Android developer at Startach.

He’s also taking care and nurturing his collections of minions and other tiny cute creatures (see below).

His motto is “Hakuna Matata” — well, at least that’s what his daughters play on TV at home.

You can follow him on: Linkedin, Medium and StackOverflow.

Avi Shevin, iOS Developer

Avi is an iOS developer with an emphasis on design and architecture. He has experience with many programming languages and platforms, which allows him to choose the right tool for the job.

Avi is a fast learner who’s always eager to learn new techniques and technologies. It’s common around our office to hear Avi say “We can’t do this, it’s not possible”… but then 10 minutes later, he’s completed the job effortlessly. (We call it ‘Avi’s 10 minutes rule.’)

Both when he’s in work and out of work, he excels at snarky comments and is generally disagreeable. We love him for it.

You can follow him on Linkedin.

David Bolshoy

David Bolshoy, Software Engineer

David is an experienced software engineer and a passionate entrepreneur. He is a seasoned System Architect and has been with our team for more than 3 years. His responsibilities include technological leadership and hands-on development, delivering scalable and cost-effective solution architectures, and many more.

You can follow him on Linkedin.

Ory Band

Ory Band, Senior Backend Engineer

Ory is a senior Backend engineer and an Open data hacktivist. He is passionate about distributed systems, scaling, Golang and Python. In addition to this, he volunteers at the Public Knowledge Workshop and uses his skills to enhance democracy, government transparency, and empowering citizens.

When he’s not at work, he plays electric guitar and piano, and has a GSD Border Collie mutt that he brings with him to the office (see below).

You can follow him on,,, and

His motto is: “Never stop learning, never stop teaching.”

Ron Serruya

Ron Serruya, QA & Automation Engineer

At 20 years old, Ron is the youngest member of the team!

He joined our team 1.5 years ago, first as a QA Intern with Rounds Entertainment. His great performance led to a full-time QA position, and we’re thrilled to have him on the Kin team.

When he’s not at work, Ron is a video gaming and PC building enthusiast, loves music, soccer, coding and learning new stuff. He hopes to start his CS University degree next year.

His motto is: “没问题” — Moumantai (No problem/Take it easy).

Oded Noam

Oded Noam, Blockchain Architect

Oded is an experienced entrepreneur, software engineer, software architect and technical researcher. In the past few years, Oded worked on blockchain design and algorithmics, cryptocurrencies and token economies, software architecture, distributed systems, system architecture, multimedia streaming, network protocols (L2-L7) and network security.

He is highly professional and hard working and always up-to-date on the latest technologies and acquires required skills quickly. Oded often finds elegant and robust solutions to complicated problems.

When he’s not at work, he’s probably at the playground with his two sweet girls.

You can follow him on Linkedin and Medium.

His motto is: “Measure twice, cut once”.



Bunchy is a senior happiness engineer. He specializes in sleeping on his back and being overall super-cute. He’s also afraid of balloons.

His motto is: “Woof.”

