Our Community: Going Above and Beyond

Kin Contributors
Kin Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2018

“I knew right away that Kin was something I had to be a part of because it was the first time a major league company was going all-in on cryptocurrency.”

It’s obvious, our community is the driving force of Kin. Without their voices, conversations would never be sparked, ideas would not come to life, and Kin’s uniqueness would never shine. So, now is time to shed some light on one of our biggest voices in the community: Dillon. He is a constant source of fresh air. Whether he is sticking up for Kin in our Telegram channels, creating new content on our subreddit, or sharing his thoughtful opinion on Medium, he is always around and the community feels his presence.

Dillon is one in a million. This blockchain enthusiast has been an advocate for Kin from the very beginning. We first discovered him when he selflessly wrote a killer FAQ for our subscribers on Reddit. “The Kin community was growing rapidly around the turn of the new year, so I wrote the FAQ, hoping it would be the first place every new or prospective member would look and have all their basic questions answered.” From that moment on, Dillon has been a sort of celebrity here at the Kin Community Team.

After his successful FAQ on Reddit, he decided to write “The Magic of Kin” as his next step. Definitely check that one out…“I had given everyone the What, When, Where, and How. But there were, and still are, a lot of folks out there that haven’t wrapped their heads around the Why. And I get it- when I first found Kin, I didn’t realize what actually set it apart from potential competitors. At first glance, the KRE doesn’t really hit you. Then you put yourself in the shoes of a big-time mobile app that’s failing to monetize, and the incentives model suddenly clicks. The Medium article is an attempt to bring everyone to that ‘eureka!’ moment.”

And he’s remarkably humble too, “I’m just a regular guy that designs fire sprinkler systems when I’m not spending too much time on the Kin subreddit or playing PUBG.”

You can follow Dillon on Reddit and Medium

So you see, our community is the reason we are moving forward. You, yes you the one who’s reading this, are part of the revolution. Kin is becoming more than just a project, but a whole new world just waiting to be discovered by the masses. What will YOUR contribution be? Give us your thoughts, share your wisdom, and keep the Kin mojo flowing.

