Grandparents create memories that the heart holds forever

Carrie Wallis
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2017


Before I had children, I didn’t realise that one of the most incredibly special parts of parenthood would be watching the relationship and bond between our children and parents develop.

Tiny babes with Ga & Tim

The intensity of their interest and love for our small people almost brings me to tears. As does the extreme delight of our girls when they are able to spend time with their grandparents. They just glow with the attention and opportunities that this generation can offer them.

6 weeks old with Granny Heath & Grandpa

I love being able to share my concerns and ask for parenting ideas from these experienced and vested family members. Apart from my husband and me, there is probably nobody in the world that cares as much about our girls as their four grandparents.

Oh, and the stories that they can tell! One of our daughters is particularly spellbound when it comes to hearing stories from Grandpa and Ga about the silly or naughty or character-building things that her mum and dad did.

“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” ~ Alex Haley

Grandma’s 90th birthday celebration

And as a parent, I’m lucky to still feel the unconditional love of one of my own grandparents. My Grandma is 93 years old this year. She is one of the most caring, plucky and fun people I know.

She is a devoted grandmother and I know that she’d “have my back,” no matter what. She has closely followed my journey, always there, supporting quietly (but staunchly!) from the sidelines, interested in my happiness and well-being.

Based on her many years of life experiences, Grandma offers a valuable and different perspective on many things, often far removed from the popular beliefs of my own generation.

My relationship with Grandma (and my late Grandpa, Nana and Grandad) has helped provide me with my sense of self and where I fit in the world, within the context of our wider family tree.

So, as a parent how do you support this hugely beneficial connection between generations?

Growing up, I lived only 20 minutes from all four grandparents… we popped in to their homes on a weekly basis so contact was frequent and natural.

We’re very lucky to live in the same town as my husband’s parents but four hours from my own parents. To keep them in touch with our 6 year old girls’ lives I call, send emails, text and pxts to Mum and Dad but usually their responses to the activity or achievement have to be filtered through me, rather than going directly to the girls.

kin2kin has fixed this for us. I quickly share the photo or video via the free app, and Mum and Dad (and all their Aunts, Uncles and cousins up north for that matter!) can “talk” directly to the child in this safe place. You should see the pride on the girls’ faces when they receive a message about their dance recital or most recent school certificate. This interaction also helps loads when they talk on the phone to their grandparents, as the conversation has already been started.

I’d love to hear if kin2kin has made a difference in your family’s lives. Or if you want to give it a try, you can download it here.

