“Marie Kondo” your family photos

Prue Kane
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2019
The actual Marie Kondo — I feel calmer just looking at her.

Photos. I have them in boxes, on my phone, on my computer, on memory sticks, and memory cards. Just the other day I found a CD of photos. I no longer have the technology at home to even look at this CD anymore.

As I’ve transitioned from country to country, city to town, house to house, and phone to updated phone I dread to think how many memories have been lost along the way. But the countless photos that remain are strewn about the place and the job of organising them is overwhelming and, if dwelt upon, more than a little stressful.

Fun fact: Parents take an average of 250+ photos a month. That’s 3,000 photos a year. From the time your baby is born to when they start school that is 15,000 photos. Fifteen. Thousand.

In fact, 25% of parents surveyed said managing photos was *the* most frustrating household job.

At kin2kin, our mission is to make people feel closer and more connected to loved ones by enhancing these family relationships. Sharing photos is a wonderful way to trigger conversations and keep family involved in our day to day life. But photos deserve more than to disappear into the ether of a single stream; impossible to find when trying to show off at a moment’s notice.

Photos are precious memories of moments in time that are fun and special to revisit. Kind of like listening to Now That’s What I Call Music 34 — you’re instantly transported back to a specific time and place.

We love the idea of sorting family photos so that it’s easy to find the one you’re looking for — to reminisce, to print, or to compile into a book (or, er hrrrm, showing off to the stranger next to you at the bus stop…). We wanted to ease the burden of worrying about photos scattered across devices and locations. Not only that, but combine photos from all of your family.

By organising these photos as they are shared, it’s a two-for-one kind of deal. You keep your family updated, and we organise those photos so that you can visit, re-visit, and know that all your precious memories are in one safe place.

kin2kin is here to do a Marie Kondo on your photos for you. (You know you’ve made it when your name becomes a verb! Go Marie!!)

You already know that when you share photos on kin2kin we organise them into albums based on who is tagged. But now we’ve taken that a step further and created albums that we think will “spark joy” for you (and help with finding and using photos in kin2kin).

‘Collections’ is a new feature displaying albums based on relationships. You with your partner, you with your pet, you with your kids, your kids all together, your parents with your kids… you get the idea.

Imagine a Marie Kondo’d t-shirt drawer: with kin2kin your photos are now the neatly folded t-shirts, and the album is the drawer.

One of our goals at kin2kin is to make your life easier, saving you time so that you are freed up for the important things in life — your people.

Birthday reminders, in-app gifting, photo printing, and now collections, are designed to save you time, while sparking joy and creating closeness with loved ones.

Does it work for you?

As we continue to develop kin2kin, your feedback is important to the path we take. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

