Nigel No-mates? Sharing what we learnt…

Carrie Wallis
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017


Wow! We’ve just learnt first hand about the power of an unpaid and authentic post about your product. Our kin2kin video views jumped from 9k to 36k in the space of a few days.

Our team was thrilled and humbled to read clinical psychologist, family therapist and parenting guru, Nigel Latta’s positive comments about kin2kin on Facebook last week.

He has 150k Facebook followers — people that are equally committed to family and parenting. Whoever came up with the phrase “Nigel-no-mates”?!

In his post, Nigel kicked off a discussion about the modern challenges of communicating with family and his reservations about other commonly used platforms, suggesting kin2kin as an alternative to try.

The nugget for others to use is the power of a trusted source talking about values and problems solved, rather than just product features.

