Piblings: Why they rock!

19 Jan 2016

3 min readMar 9, 2016


Here at kin2kin, we give a special name to Aunts and Uncles: Piblings. It’s our clever little programmer way of saying Parent’s siblings…cute aye?

Piblings hold the key to a very special relationship with their Niblings (you guessed it, nieces and nephews!) that is, if they choose to accept the challenge. Sure, not everyone has a close relationship with their Piblings, but for people like me and Richie McCaw, life wouldn’t be the same without these very influential family members.

There’s the famous story about Richie McCaw getting advice from his Uncle Bigsy to not only be an All Black, but to be a “Great All Black” or a G.A.B as the term has been coined. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s a great story about a teenaged Richie McCaw and his Uncle Bigsy sketching out the path to his rugby career on the back of a McDonald’s napkin. All those years ago, Bigsy got Richie to sign a scrap of paper to swear his commitment to being a “Great All Black” which would serendipitously hang on the back of one of his cupboards waiting for someone to ask about the meaning behind it years later.

My Auntie did the same for me as I was growing up. Ok, I’m not an All Black or anything, but she always encouraged me to give 100% in an “I’m watching you from afar and counting on you to get it done” kind of way that only a Pibling can. She spoiled me, supported me, and ensured that if I ever needed a helping hand or a sympathetic ear, that she was there for me.

Piblings sit in the unique camp of part parent, part sibling, part best friend. This sets them up to be the ideal confidant (although possibly slightly biased) whom you can go to for advice, encouragement and a good old talking to if needed. The best thing about Piblings is that they know your whole story. They know where you came from, what you’re dealing with and usually have a good idea of what you’re capable of. They have a unique perspective on your personality because they see a little bit of themselves and their siblings in you. In fact, they probably know you better than you think!

Piblings can spoil you because you’re not their kid and they just want to be the cool one that you look up to. They’re allowed to send you ridiculous gifts like a drum kit when you’re only 5 years old or sneak you away to a sporting event on a school day just because they can…and for that, you love them. They can encourage you to take risks, aim high and let loose because at the end of the day, it’s not your house they are coming home to. They are incredibly influential and we think strong connections with Piblings are important.

Reach out to a Pibling and let them know that you look up to them. If you are lucky enough to be a Pibling, know your power and use it for good. If you aren’t a “real” Pibling, maybe you can become an honorary Pibling to one of your good friend’s kids. We support that too ;)

-Kristi James
Leading the “Testing and Interface with the Real World” department Kristi was last seen herding flocks of Trello cards across the countryside.

Originally published at www.kin2kin.com.

