Backup and Restore Module for iOS and Android

Chase Barker
Kin Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2019

We’re excited to announce that we have officially released the backup and restore module and documentation for both iOS and Android! Now developers can freely implement this module into their apps however they like.

What’s The Backup and Restore Module?

This easy-to-implement module allows developers to give their users an easy way to backup their Kin. It comes complete with a user interface where a user enters a password to encrypt their private key which will export a QR code that users can save and later be used to retrieve and import their Kin account and balance. Gone are the days of your users losing their hard earned Kin!

Password To Encrypt -> Save QR Code -> Restore Account

Why Do We Need This?

In short, this is to protect your users. With Kin apps, developers do not control or store a user’s private keys. The private keys are stored on a user’s phone and allow them to access their funds on the blockchain. This module allows you to make sure your users never lose those funds in situations where they may lose, break or reset data on their phone.

Educating Your Users!

Blockchain is a very new technology when it comes to mainstream users. They don’t need to understand how it works but we believe it’s extremely important to educate your users on the importance of backing up their Kin account. Simply displaying a message or giving a tutorial after the creation of their account can go a long way in terms of protecting them and their funds.

We’re hoping everyone is as stoked as we are about the addition of this new module. This is the first of many and we can’t wait to continue building cool new modules and features that makes it easy for developers to build engaging apps with Kin!



Chase Barker
Kin Blog

Director of Developer Advocacy @ Kin Ecosystem | Follow me on Twitter @TheRealChaseeb