Building an Open and Inclusive Kin Developer Community

Chase Barker
Kin Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Leaders in the development field like Unity and Twitch have perfected the art of including developers and getting them excited about the progression of their platforms. These platforms have massive developer followings who openly communicate with each other every day in places like Discord and Reddit.

A strong developer community is the key to building a strong, decentralized, open-source platform. The developer community is the lifeblood of Kin. It is the cornerstone of the Kin project and the active developers in the Kin community are an inspiration for all future developers who join the Kin Ecosystem. They need to be heard and they need a place to openly communicate and inspire one another.

This is why we are officially opening up the Kin Developer Community. You can check out our new Kin Developers’ Community Forum and on our new Discord Server. These public channels allow new developers to easily join the conversation, learn about Kin, and meet other developers already building with Kin.

Expanding the Developer Community

The strength of any developer community lies in the strength of its members and how they work and communicate with each other. Kin’s strength lies in its cohesive developer community and the health of the Kin Ecosystem relies on consistent growth and nurturing its developers and users. The Kin Developer Community channels serve as a launch pad for anyone interested in learning about and joining the Kin Ecosystem. Developers can read the Reddit forums and see what experienced Kin developers have done already, or they can jump into the Discord chats and to learn from developers who’ve already experienced working with the Kin platform first-hand.

Opening channels up to all kinds of developers is the perfect way to grow any developer community. At Kin, we’re taking care to build a community that grows exponentially and to scale, where community members help each other, provide technical support, and create their own open-source solutions to make amazing platforms even better.

Please respect the rules of these communities as they are intended for respectful development related discussions. Spread the word and we look forward to collaborating with you and working together to build the very best platform for integrating digital currency into your apps

See you there!

Visit our Developer Forum HERE.

Visit our Developer Discord Server HERE.



Chase Barker
Kin Blog

Director of Developer Advocacy @ Kin Ecosystem | Follow me on Twitter @TheRealChaseeb