Developer Spotlight on Kimeo

Michelle Desrochers
Kin Blog
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2019

The Kimeo team launched their video sharing app in the first Kin Developer Program and has since become part of a CV Labs incubator in Switzerland and redesigned their app. I got to catch up with Ajay Pal Singh, Co-founder & CEO of the Kimeo app to hear about their app and experience with integrating Kin. Read on to find out more…

What is Kimeo?

Kimeo is a video app where everyone gets rewarded. People get rewarded with Kin for uploading and watching videos, and advertisers reward people to watch their videos.

How does Kimeo differ from other video sharing apps out there today?

We are focused on helping content creators succeed. By moving data and analytics on the blockchain, there is complete transparency about who got how many views and engagement which helps influencers and content creators prove their reach when connecting with brands.

We also share revenue with our users, in fact, our users get 85% of the revenue we make on the platform by being rewarded for watching videos and ads. Viewers can then help out the content creators by donating to them directly on Kimeo.

What is the main demographic of the Kimeo community and what has been the user response?

The main demographic has been college students and crypto enthusiasts. Majority of users are in India, but we currently reach users from 6 continents. Our users and community have provided great feedback so far and we are continuing to learn and working hard to keep improving the app.

Are there any stats that you would like to share?

We have 3000+ users right now. People have added over 8,000 videos to Kimeo so far. We give daily rewards to our users and the highest daily reward to an individual has been 6000+ Kin so far. So there is a great opportunity to earn Kin in Kimeo.

How is Kin used in Kimeo?

Creators get Kin for uploading videos and are rewarded for daily video activity. They can then promote their video to boost the activity to grow their viewership.

Viewers get Kin for engaging with promoted video content on Kimeo. They can then support their favorite creators by donating their Kin.

Charities and businesses can raise awareness and Kin in Kimeo by adding their own profile to the platform and publishing videos. They can promote their videos throughout the platform to raise awareness and can receive donations of Kin. We are already working with a few charities and will be launching specific tools that will make it easier to raise funds and provide transparency to their donors.

Kin in Kimeo

What got you interested in Kin and why integrate?

We knew we wanted to reward our users and were looking for something to really fit in with what we were building. We came across Kin and it felt like a natural choice. It was clear that Kin was the first cryptocurrency working hard to get real use cases launched. There was also the Kin Developer Program, which provided a great channel for us to join the Ecosystem and get help directly from the Kin team. With most other blockchains, you don’t get so much support.

Why do you think other developers should build with Kin?

Kin is made for real-world use cases. The team is super helpful and there is a lot of development ongoing right now. The ecosystem has become bigger and is continuing to expand, meaning there is always an opportunity to support others and get support in many aspects like development, marketing, collaborations etc.

The Kin Blockchain is live and the SDK is being updated regularly. Plus the Kin token is available, which is not common in other blockchain/crypto ecosystems. So it is a great place to get started for developers.

With the KRE, there is additional incentive along with the Developer Program milestones to really get in early and take advantage of the KRE while there are few developers in the Ecosystem. It is a great opportunity to grow with Kin and make use of the growing community.

What was it like working with the Kin SDK and with other developers in the Kin Developer Program?

It was a great experience. Early days were a bit crazy as things were not stable and there were many issues, but the team and other developers in the Ecosystem were really helpful and kept pushing to make it better everyday. Right now we see an active community of developers, which is helpful and the Kin team is adding support for more platforms and adding more features and tools. We are impressed by the overall growth in users, developers, and Kin community.

What challenges did you face with implementing Kin and how did you solve it?

In early days, many things were not clear and things were not really stable all the time. Developers wanted more features like allowing users to log out without using their Kin or use their app on multiple devices. There was also a need to educate our users about Kin and what they can do with it. These things are addressed now from the Kin Team’s updates and new features to the SDKs.

Over time, we have learnt a great deal while building with Kin and now we have a great community on Slack which is always helping each other to address these issues and coming up with innovative solutions.

What’s next for Kimeo?

We recently were selected in CV Labs incubator, Switzerland which will help us with technology and business aspects of running our startup. We are also working on a few projects like a web version, some user-requested features, and building out a peer-to-peer marketplace for virtual/physical goods. We are also partnering with some content creators and colleges to get more interesting and original content on our app

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