Doubling Down on the Kin Blockchain

Ted Livingston
Kin Blog
Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2018

As you all know, Kin has a three-step plan:

  • Build a scalable blockchain
  • Launch Kin in Kik
  • Expand Kin beyond Kik

I’m happy to report that we’re on track with all three steps. In some areas, we’re already ahead of plan, specifically in our efforts to build a scalable blockchain.

In May, we announced our intention to create the Kin Blockchain. This decision allowed us to get the best of both worlds: the Ethereum blockchain for liquidity and security, and our custom fork of Stellar for scale. So far we have been getting great results. In June, we were able to reach 1.2M transactions per day. And we already have live consumer experiences running on the Kin Blockchain: new earn and spend opportunities inside of Kik, and the Kinit Beta app.

We’re doubling down on the Kin Blockchain and are investing more heavily in our internal development team and our blockchain solution. As such, our current plans for Kin no longer include working closely with Orbs or migrating to the Orbs blockchain. We continue to wish the team at Orbs all the best as they continue to move their project forward.

